Love Ranger x Female Reader

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3rd Person POV

     It was a beautiful day on the island, and everyone at Lazy Lake decided to have a huge hide-and-seek competition. The only problem was no one wanted to be the seeker. Everyone was stumped, until Zoey had an idea.
     "Why don't we ask the new girl to play? I'm sure she'd like to feel included," she said, pointing down the street to the house with piles of boxes outside. The other residents murmured in agreement as Zoey walked down the sidewalk towards the new arrival's house. The new girl Zoey was referring to went by the name (Y/N), and she had arrived just the other day, a week before the next Battle Royale match. Since then, though, she had spoken to no one. Any time her neighbors gave a friendly wave or gesture, she'd drop everything and duck into the safety of her new home. It was strange, but everyone figured she was just shy and shrugged it off. Zoey took a deep breath before ringing the house's doorbell.
     "Uh, heyyyyy, (Y/N). We were, uh, we were just wondering maybe you'd like to join us for a game," she said. No response. Zoey was just about to turn and leave before the door creaked open and an (e/c) eye poked out of the crack.
     "What kind of game?" asked (Y/N). Zoey brightened up at the fact that she was actually talking to her.
     "Oh, so there is a person in there! Good to know! Anyways, we wanted to know if you wanted to be the seeker in our town-wide game of hide-and-seek. It'd be a fun way to get to know everyone. Whaddaya say, ey?" she said. (Y/N) paused for a second before responding.
     "Sure," she responded before closing the door. Zoey laughed before giving a thumbs up to everyone else.

     About three minutes later, (Y/N) stepped out onto the sidewalk wearing a pair of jeans, worn sneakers, and a novelty tee under an unzipped (f/c) hoodie. She found a note taped to her mailbox. It read:

      "Gee, (Y/N), you sure take a long time to get ready! We're all ready for you to find us. Some of us are pretty well hidden, so here's a list of who to look for. We'll only admit you've found us if you can guess our names correctly, and the game ends at sunset. Have fun! -Zoey

- Wavebreaker
- Scoundrel
- Rapscallion
- Ruby
- Aura
- Guild
- Zoey
- Sparkplug
- Squad Leader
- Cabbie
- Love Ranger
- Plastic Patroller
- Bushranger
- Trailblazer

     (Y/N) sighed. Even though Lazy was a pretty small place, it was still gonna take forever to find everyone. Not sure where to start, she walked down the street. Right away, she saw something out of the ordinary. In a group of birch trees with orange leaves, one of them had vibrant green ones. She snickered and walked upto the tree cluster. Once she had gotten close enough, the green sapling like creature opened its eyes and smiled. (Y/N) was stepping with confidence, happy she had already found someone, though it was only until she approached them that she realized she had no clue who they were. The little tree giggled, watching the girl freeze up at her blunder. He said something in a strange language, and when the girl cocked her head in confusion, he pointed to the second to last name on the list, then to himself.
     "Oh, so you're Bushranger. It's nice to meet you!" the girl said sweetly. Bushranger laughed and shook her hand before running off into the forest. 'What a curious creature,' the girl thought, looking for the next spot to investigate. She walked up to the toll booth at the entrance to Lazy when a voice made her jump.
     "And just where do you think you're going, Miss? I'm going to have to ask you to forfeit before you leave," they said. It was obviously a girl, but they were still trying really hard to give themselves a masculine tone. (Y/N) looked at the person. A gray-blue jacket with circular blue specs and a navy blue cap. The first name on the list seemed to fit them pretty well.
     "Wavebreaker?" the girl said hesitantly. The woman in the booth laughed before taking off her cap and revealing a mop of messy brown hair pulled up in a bun.

     "Loosen up, (Y/N). We don't expect you to get our names right first try. But good job, regardless. How many others are left?" she said. (Y/N) smiled slightly.
     "12?" she said, causing Wavebreaker to sigh.
     "Dang, I was hoping for at least the top 10, but whatever. Rock on, sister, and I'll see you later," she said, giving (Y/N) a peace sign before walking back into town. (Y/N) smiled and looked down at her list.

     About twenty minutes later, (Y/N)'s luck had run out. By that time she had only found four more people. After successfully confusing Rapscallion for Scoundrel and vice versa, spotting Plastic Patroller hidden in some bushes, and finding Ruby asleep under a red umbrella at the poolside, (Y/N) only had eight people left to find. Somewhat disheartened, she sat under the shade of a shadow casted by a statue. The sun was nearing the horizon, and she was ready to give up. She had begun to walk away, when all the sudden, the statue she had just been sitting by moved. It was only by an inch, but (Y/N) caught it out of the corner of her eye. Her head whipped around, but the statue was still as stone once more. She shot a glare at the figure before turning back around. No sooner than she took a step did the statue burst out in laugher. He was trying to speak, but was laughing too hard to form any words. (Y/N) facepalmed. How stupid could she have been to not notice the statue with bright pink pants! She waited for the stone figure to calm down, which took a while. In the meantime, she analyzed his outfit. Cherub-like curls, stone wings, a silk sash draped over one shoulder, and pink attire from the waist down. His entire getup screamed Valentine's day.
     "I can't believe it! You sat there for so long and didn't even notice me!" he wheezed, bent over from laughter. (Y/N) crossed her arms, severely disappointed in herself.
     "Yeah, yeah. Laugh at the newbie. How funny," she said. He calmed down significantly, realizing he may have hurt the girl's feelings.
     "I-I'm sorry, it's just. You actually didn't notice me. I, uh, no one ever falls for that trick, no matter how hard I try," he said, still chuckling. He paused for a moment, hands spread as to emphasize something. The girl paused for a second, taking the hint, and spoke.
     "Guild?" she said. The statue deadpanned, looking serious as stone for once. It was then (Y/N)'s turn to laugh.
     "I'm kidding, ok? It's Love Ranger, right?" she said, grinning ear to ear and trying to stifle her laughter. He chuckled, something he seemed to do very often.
     "Yep, the one and only. Don't wear it out," he said with a wink. (Y/N) cheered.
     "Woohoo! more people to find in about eight minutes," she said, the joy quickly fading from her voice. Love Ranger frowned. He hated seeing people unhappy, so he wracked his brain to try and find a solution. He snapped his fingers, a thought coming to mind.
     "Hey, uh, (Y/N)? Maybe I could help you out. I wouldn't normally do anything like this, but I, uh, I might be able to pull a few strings for someone as cute as you," he said, a smirk on his face. (Y/N) pondered for a second. Something about the charismatic cupid fascinated her, so she wouldn't mind sticking around him for just a bit longer. Besides, she could really use the help. The girl nodded.
     "Sure thing. Lead the way," she said. He chuckled, and the two were off to find the rest of the Lazy Lake residents.


     (Y/N) boarded the Battle Bus, making her way up the steps and down the empty aisle. Her first game was a duos match, so that was great, as she would need help learning the ropes of the game. She had been given a seat number the day before, and she had arrived early to make sure she could find it. Minutes passed, and the bus became more and more chaotic as more passengers boarded. At some point, there were even strobe lights. (Y/N) tapped her foot nervously. There were 96 people on the bus already, and her partner was still nowhere to be seen. Just as she turned to look out the window, a tap brought her from her thoughts. (Y/N) turned to see the same familiar statue that helped her out her third day on the island.
     "So, partner, where are we dropping?"

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