He needs to know...

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Jack's POV
I sit on my couch and stare at my wall. Somehow...interesting me but not really. I just needed something to look at so I could think. I am interupted by a knock on my door. I get up and open it, only to be swallowed by a bear hug by the kind of YouTube..Felix

F: SEAN!!!!

J: Felix!? What are you doing her

F: I came to visit! How's it going!?

J: Uh f-fine- I'm fine! How are you?

F: Good! Really good!

I let him in and we sit at the table.

J: Want a drink?

F: Whatcha got?

J: Coke zero? Pepsi? Whiskey?

F: Whiskey?

J: Jameson.

F: Sounds good!

We both have one glass and we talk about what's been going on and what he's been up to and different games we have played.
After about 3 hours he calls an Uber and he says he's gotta go.
~~ Once he leaves I grab my phone and call Mark.

Mark's POV
My phone rings as I take a bite of my cereal. Oh, It's Sean! I answer and look at the screen.

M: Hey! What's up?

J: FELIX JUST SHOWED UP! He is gone now but he just showed up!

M: Oh cool, What'd he want?

J: Just to talk about life...It was weird...

M: Maybe he just wanted to see you!

J: Are you sure...? It was super random! You didn't tell him anything, did you?

M: No, No! I swear!

J: Okay well...I'm gonna go eat dinner...That was just really weird.

M: Alright, Have fun!

Felix's POV
I leave Sean's house and go back to mine, I just wanted to stop in and say hi! I was just bored so I came by! Hope he didn't find it weird...   My phone lights up and I look down. Ken!? Ooh it's been a while!
K: Hey, Felix! I'm going to visit Mark for a week! You wanna film with us while I'm down?

F: Yeah sure! Sounds fun!

K: Alright, Cool.

F: Have fun! Give Mark a hug for me!

K: I will! Bye, Fefe!

F: Grrr don't call me that!

K: Bye, Felix!

F: Bye, Ken!


Ken's POV
~~~~~ I finally get off the plane and take an Uber to Mark's house. I hug Mark and Amy and we all start talking about what we could film while I'm down. Then Mark pulls me outside and looks...scared?

M: L-listen, Ken...Someone told me something...And I can't really keep hiding it

K: You can tell me.

M: Um...Well...Jack he told me he um likes...Felix.

K: Like...gay?

M: Yeah...

K: Wow...That's crazy...

M: Yeah

Mark pulls out his phone and shows me the texts. Wow...That's fucking nuts...Then Amy calls him inside and he lays his phone down and runs off really quick. I pull out my phone and take photos of the conversation. Felix needs to know...

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