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Sean's POV
After he cuddled me for a while I stood up and he groaned.

F: Nooo! I want cuddles!

S: Well, I wanna go to Mark's.

F: Ugh but then I'd have to get up.

I can tell he was trying to be all cute but...I feel totally different about him now. Ever since I kissed Ethan...

F: Hello? Sean?

S: Oh fuck, Sorry. I was thinking. Come on, Let's just go. I miss Chica!

F: Fine..

Felix's POV
He acted like he didn't wanna cuddle, he gets up and doesn't even respond to my cuteness, Is he mad or something? We get in an Uber and Sean texts Mark, Telling him we are on the way.  I reach for Sean's hand but he points out the window and says "that's cool" but it seemed kinda fake.

F: Hey Ba-

S: Woah! Look at those flowers, Felix!

He keeps using my real name.

F: Oh yeah, those are cool.

Finally, We get to Mark's house and Sean rushes to the door, Not waiting for me or trying to hold my hand or anything. Amy lets us in and tells us Mark is outback with Chica. Sean hurries through the house and I try to follow close behind but he practically runs. I stop and turn on my heel, Facing Amy.

F: He has been distant. Running off, not holding my hand.

A: Oh?

F: I don't know what to do.

A: Talk to him about it?

F: I don't know if I should, I mean, What if it's nothing?

A: Then it's nothing. Just talk to him.

F: I will tonight. Thanks, Amy.

Sean's POV
I run outside, purposefully going before Felix so he didn't try to hold my hand or something, and Mark smiles at me.

M: Ethan is in the bathroom.

S: Alrighty. Felix is inside.

We start playing with the dog then Ethan comes outside with Felix.

S: Ethan! It's been a while!

E: Sean!

Thank God he went along...
He runs over and hugs me and I smile into his shoulder. I glance up and see Felix eyeing us. I back away and suddenly Spencer runs out of the house with Amy.

S: Ethan, I haven't met your puppy yet!

E: Well let me introduce you!

~~ I stayed around Mark and Ethan most of the time, still avoiding Felix as best as I could. I just stayed with the dogs or on the other side of Mark and not Felix.

Ethan's POV
I realized Sean was keeping his distance from Felix...Maybe it means something? I hope so...I look at the clouds and gulp.

E: Guys, I think it's gonna storm...

M: I think you're right. Let's go in before it starts..

F: Me and Sean better-

S: I don't think it'll be safe to go back.

M: You could stay here if you want?

S: You wouldn't mind?

A: No, As long as you feel safe, You can stay. It's fine.

S: Thank you so much.

E: Can I stay too?

M: Yeah, It'll be like a sleepover!

A: You all better be quiet because I'm going to try and sleep through the storm.

S: alright mom!

M: Night baby

F: Good night!

E: We'll wake you if it gets really bad.

A: Alright guys, Have fun.

Amy disappears down the hall and we all look at eachother as lightning strikes and thunder booms and shakes the house.

E: this is going to be a long night...

Sorry, This one is a bit shorter:/

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