Love of my life

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Kevin's POV
Fuck! fuck! fuck! Why did I go in there? Suddenly Sean comes up the hall and smiles gently at me.

K: Sean, I'm s-so sorry!

S: Don't worry about it, It's cool. But I wanted to tell you um...I had a trip planned to go stay with my friend Mark in LA for a while and I don't wanna leave you-

K: Oh it's fine! I've gotta get back anyways.

S: Are you sure? I don't wanna be rude.

K: No, It's fine. You aren't being rude a'tall a'tall! I've gotta go so I'm going to go pack my things.

S: Alright...Well, I'll have lunch made when you're done. Atleast eat before you go?

K: Sure. Thanks, Sean.

I walk up the hall and go into my room. Atleast he isn't mad. I grab all my clothes and shove them into my bag and put my shoes on. About an hour later, I go down to the kitchen and Sean had made sandwiches.

S: I was going to make soup!

K: You remember I don't like soup!?

S: Not only do you dislike it, You hate soup!

K: I know! I can't believe you remembered!

S: Ofcourse I did. You're my best friend.

K: Thanks man.

We sit and Felix sits with us. We all eat and I get up and sigh.

K: I best be on my way..

Sean stands and I can see tears in his eyes.

S: I'll walk you to your car.

K: Thanks..

We walk outside and Felix doesn't follow, surprisingly.. I open my car door and look at Sean. I open my arms and he runs into me. I hold him and feel wetness on my shirt.

K: Don't cry, buddy...We can text.

S: I just missed you so much and now you've gotta go...

K: I'll see ya again soon.

S: Promise?

I froze...Sean used to say that as a kid...I smile and squeeze him a bit.

K: I promise.

Then he kissed my shoulder, secretly so Felix doesn't see out the window, and he steps back.

S: Bye, Kevin.

K: Until next time...

Felix's POV
The car pulls out and I walk out behind Sean. He waved even when Kevin can't see him anymore. I put an arm around his waist and hold him.

F: I know you missed him...But it'll be okay.

S: Thanks, Baby.

F: C'mon, Let's go in.

We walk inside and cuddle on the couch. Sean runs his fingers through my hair and smiles.

S: I love you

F: I love you too, my green angel.

S: I'm not green anymore!

F: But you once were!

S: Do you miss the green?

F: Sometimes. Do you?

S: Sometimes.

We sit in silence and continue to cuddle until I hear my phone ring. I get up and jog to the kitchen and quickly answer Mark's Skype call.

F: Hello?

M: Hey, How's it goin?

F: Fine...I was just over reacting. Infact, Kevin left because we have a trip on Tuesday.

M: Oh shit! I totally forgot!

F: Same. How's things in LA?

M: Good, I'm just taking the puppers for a walk.

F: I was just chilling with Sean.

M: Have y'all fucked yet?


M: What!? I was just wondering!
...Have you?


Sean comes up behind me and kisses my neck.

S: Yet!

I laugh and Mark just "ooo"s.

M: So, Who's gonna top?

F: We've already confirmed I'm the dominate one.


Mark's POV
Suddenly Felix is dragged to the ground by Sean and the phone is dropped. I have a perfect view of what's going on and I start screenshotting so they can savor this cute moment.


F: Try me

Felix flips them and I yell into the phone.

M: GUYS! I'm still here!

F: Oh shit! Hi Mark!!!

S: Get off of meeeeee!!

F: NEVER! Not until you say I'm the top!

S: NO!

F: then I'll just sit here.

Felix picks up the phone and starts talking to me, he's still sitting on Sean.

S: Babyyy get off!!!

F: Do I top?

S: No

F: Anyways, Mark, Do you wanna play-

S: top...

M: OH FUCK!!!! DAMN!!!

F: I know I do

S: Wait you said you'd get off!!

F: Did you really believe me?


F: Plus, you make a wonderful seat.

S: Aahhhhh

M: Guys, I've gotta go. I'm back home.

F: Bye Markyyyy

M: Bye Felix! Bye Sean!

S: Bye Markimoo! I love youu

M: Love you tooooooooo

I end the call and laugh at the two goofballs. I garentee Felix is being whiny and saying something like "you love him and not me!?" Or some shit. I love those guys so much, They're my best-gay-friends.

Sean's POV
After Mark hangs up Felix jumps off of me and runs to the couch. He sits down and I follow. When I sit down, He turns away from me.

S: What's wrong?

He looks away.

S: Felix, What's up?

He ignores me. I pull him into my side and whisper to him.

S: You can tell me...It's okay

I hear a giggle and I pull away and look at his dumb smiling face.


F: Yes! Now, more hugs!!!

I laugh yet cuddle him more. Eventually, We fall asleep together on the couch...
I sorta regret kissing Kevin on the neck/shoulder because I love Felix but...I care so much about Kevin. But I choose Fefe. He's the love of my life.

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