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For the next two weeks Ethan, Grayson, Lauren, Jack, max, and Eve who had to sit on jacks lap to fit in the car and occasionally slapped jacks hand away from 'accidentally' putting his hand in her thigh. They all Went out for dinner every Friday with the new addition to the group Grayson and Ethan They hanged out after school everyday to somewhere new to explore.

"Did you know ghosts can follow you home" Jack told like it was nothing but max on the other hand was clinging to Lauren's arm for deep life "what! No your just trying to scare me. Lauren tell him to shut up" max yells glaring at Jack "that's actually very true. Ghost can actually follow you home" Grayson says looking at his phone "what let me see" max let's go of Lauren's arms and basically sprinted over to Grayson and takes his phone to read.

After a lot.....a lot of disagreements mostly from max they agreed to visit one of the most haunted buildings in town. It was a old abandoned hospital for the crazy that was considered it's own town from around 30-40 years ago, people that have tried to sell this place and destroy it to rebuild. but ended up running away screaming and never coming back to agree to buying and destroying.

"If we die at least we die together. am I right guys!" jack says with a big grin while throwing his arms over Grayson and Max's shoulders, but max quickly pushes him off with yet again. A glare. "Just imagine! News head lines of poor reckless teenagers die from Either insanity or from a ghost following us home and Murdering us one by one" he says and quickly turns to Lauren "probably not Lauren though. the bloody thing will probably admire her for the rest of her life!" He jokes which makes Lauren laugh.

Everyone laughs as they continue to walk throughout the halls in a group checking everything out. Lauren looks at Ethan who's walking in front of her looking around, she smiles at the thought of Ethan really. She looks to her right down a hull way but when she does she swears she sees something move out of her vision. she slightly gasps as her eyes widen, she stops in her tracks as she stares down the hull way "where gonna get lo-" eve stops when she turns around to see Lauren stopped a metres back from the group  "Lauren what did you see?" She asks which makes Ethan turn rather quicker then most making his way to her looking in the same Direction as her.

"You okay" he asks softly reaching to touch her arms witch makes her slightly flinch. She moves her eyes to Ethan and looks at the group up ahead and shakes her head "y-yeah I'm find" she says as she softly grabs his arms and goes to keep walking "just kinda scared" she laughs a little and feels him bring her closer "I won't let anything happen" he says and the rest of them continue down the hull.

"This is a swimming pool?!" Max yells as he runs into the room at the end of the hull. They all gasp as they look up to see the roof is made out of glass like a dowm that lights up the room a lot more then others "why would they have a swimming pool for psychopaths? They would probably try to drown each other" jack says walking around the room "this wasn't a pool" Grayson says looking at his phone with a shocked and confused face.

"They would put 'students' as they called them into the 'bowl' for hours lying in the sun on the round metal. They would use this as a torture for the 'disobedient' that Didn't listen or broke the rules. They say the screams from burning would be Hurd from over 200 metres away from this building. And the smell of burning fleshed can be smelled all through the building for days..." Grayson says and everything falls silent as they comprehend the news as they look at the 'bowl' in discussed.

But Lauren didn't hear anything that was said. She was to distracted with the hull way they came from where she saw the figure move away from her site. She could of sworn she Heard her name being called from the door way, it was like her body and mind was taken over as she makes her way to the hull, everyone not paying attention from being to focus on the information they where just informed to.

She's now gown down several hull ways in complete silence. So far away from her friends she can't even hear them, she continues to walk down the hull way and feels eyes on her as she turns around, the sight she sees makes her sick to the stomach, a dark silhouette that sounds like it's whispering her name. Her ears are burning and her heart is beating so fast.

'Lauren' she hears. She almost gasps when she recognised the voice "mum?" She says still standing in her spot. All the sudden everything goes cold around her, her blood, tips of her fingers. Her cheeks feel like something almost cracked her. The silhouette moves out of her site and she walks down the hull way towards where she last saw her.  "mum!" She screams now running trying to find her again "mum! Come back!" She scream again running bumping into every wall she turns down.

She hears her name being yelled from multiple different Directions as she looks around confused. She slides down a wall screaming holding her head trying to make the voices stop. She can hear them get closer and closer. She feels a hand on her shoulder and she moves away tears down her cheeks and thrash's her arms pushing at the figure in front of her who seems to grab her arms bring her closer.

She continues to push away muffing words but soon slowly gives up feeling strong weight around her shoulders from beside. Ethan holds her close to him trying to calm her down as she tries to kick him away throwing herself around, he keeps reminding himself that she's scared and is having an episode not taking it to heart.

He remembers when he would have episodes like this and Grayson would try to help but ended up getting hurt. He still feels gilt from hurting his twin but Grayson reminded him that he understood and hes willingly to do anything to help.

She starts to calm down still breathing heavily as he slides down the wall with her in his arms with his head in the crook of her neck whispering 'it's Ethan your safe' as she lets out cries of help.

"She was just here!" She yells sobbing "she was right in front of me a-and" she breaths in trying to catch a breath through her cries "I tried saving her E-Ethan. But she wouldn't let me" Her body was trembling in Ethan arms. Ethan felt a sting in his heart listening to her words "you  tried everything you could Lauren. Never blame yourself, you did nothing wrong" he says into her shoulder. Slightly pecking her shoulder with his lips to calm her down.

"M-my words killed her. If I kept my mouth shut she would be alive" she says. Ethan doesn't know what to say, it's hard to reply to that. But he lets it slide and continues to hold her.

The rest of her friends have found Ethan holding her trembling body in his arms. Eve makes it over there first running to them to help "she had an episode. We should take her back to my house" she says rubbing her arm.

All of them got back to the car. Ethan holding her in his arms still shaking, they both sit in the passenger seat with Lauren curled up to his chest as Ethan rubs her back.

Ethan sits there thinking about her words 'my words killed her'. Did she say something to upset her? Did she tell something to someone that out her in danger? He didn't want to assume anything but he couldn't help it.

He wants to help her, he really does but he's not as stable as she is either. There both suffering from loss. it's hard to fix a broken heart when yours Is just as broken.

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