Part 5

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Here's a more happy chapter<3

It had been a few hours since Lauren's episode. They where all Currently sitting around Eves room playing a game where you act and they have to guess what it is. Max wasn't having it.

"Your literally a fricken monkey!" He yells at eve who's jumping around the room acting like a headless chicken "no one says 'fricken' anymore max" Grayson says "well I do" max  snaps back "well don't" Grayson says "be a man" he adds as he Lift up his arm and flexes it "men don't have an obsession over butterflies" jack says who points at Graysons phone. Witch as a picture of a butterfly on it "I was doing research!" He yells witch makes everyone laugh

"Common guys it's so easy" eve says as she has her hands in her knees puffed out from jumping "your a monkey" max says but eve shakes her head and goes back to acting "crazy person!" He adds "Grayson when he's on his man period!" Jack yells witch Grayson slaps him "oh- I KNOW- A- CAVE MAN" max screams and practically jumps out of his Chair "YES" eve yells and they both high-five.

she goes and sits down next to Grayson and kicks her legs onto his lab and lies down, Grayson just puts his arms on her legs still looking down on her phone  "I don't need a work out anymore from eating all that ice cream we had an hour ago" she says patting her stomach "I'm gonna be mad if I don't have abs like you" eve says to Grayson who's still reading about butterflies but looks at her and laughs.

"Max it's your turn" Ethan says with a smile knowing dam well this is gonna he a good show "try and not guess it straight away so he gets mad" he whispers to Lauren who nods with a smile and tells Eve who tells Grayson and Grayson tells jack. Sorry max

After 30 Long minutes of max moving yelling and sometimes dropping to the floor out of tiredness  the action was finally guessed. He was acting out a car, they knew the second he did it.

They where know all asleep cooped up on eves bed. Max's ass was in Graysons face and jack had his leg over eves legs and Ethan had his arms over Lauren's waist as max was practically spooning him.

Lauren was still awake still. Feeling Ethans strong arm on her waist but she felt safe for the first time in a while. Lauren got up to get some water and freshen up.

Eve and Lauren had been friends for years so eve wouldn't mind her getting up and going through her fridge to get cold water. She was trying to be a quiet as possible not to wake anyone in the house, she made it to the fridge and opened it, her eyes found the water and she grabbed it. But before she could turn around and Low strong croaky voice spoke "couldn't sleep?" she yelpt and turned around to see ethan staring down on her.

She nodded quickly with her hand still on her mouth "thirty?" She said and held up the water to his face, he smile and nodded and she past him the water bottle and she turned around to get a new one.

Ethan moved from behide her and leaned on the counter as she grabbed one. She walked to the counter and jumped up on it from beside Ethan "can I ask you something? You don't have to answer it if you don't want to" Ethan asked as he played with the lid "sure" she said.

"How did your mum pass away?" He asked and Lauren froze. She hated talking to people about how she died, she felt guilty "you don't have to tell me I under-"

"My dad was really abusive. He would always hurt my mum and me from being intoxicated, my dad through a knife that wasn't planned to hit anyone but it went straight to my mum. I tried helping her but she wouldn't let me, she wanted to die" she explained "it was the worst feeling in the world knowing your mum is gonna die in your arms. She wanted to, she wouldn't let me help her and I should of" she added and at that Ethan got in between her legs and raped his arms around her "you couldn't do anything Lauren, never blame yourself. Your mother would want you to be happy, for you to remember her and all your happy moments together. I'm so sorry you had to watch your mother die, it's unfair" he says still with his arms around her

"Don't be sorry Ethan please don't say sorry. I've Heard it way to much, but thank you" she says lifting her head up and Ethan removing his arms around her shoulders but still remains on her waist. Lauren looks down at her hands still feeling guilty, but Ethans looking down at her with a small smile.

Lauren feels his eyes on her and she lifts up her head to see him looking directly into her eyes "what?" She smiles and blushes and Ethan brings his hand to her cheek and curses it "has anyone told you your beautiful?" he says almost like a whisper. Lauren looks down and blushes even more with a big smile on her face, Ethan lifts her head back up softly "I think your beautiful Lauren" he says softly while leaning forward "I think your a strong, beautiful woman and life has been to hard on you" Lauren can feel his hot breath on her lips as she listens to his words "you deserve to be happy. You deserve to forgive yourself" he says softly and leans in more saying one last thing "your gonna be okay one day Lauren, your gonna forgive yourself one day, your gonna talk and think about your mum and your gonna be happy. Your gonna heal" he says before finally attaching his lips to hers.

Lauren kisses back instantly and brings her hand to his cheek and one of his chest, Ethan grabs under her legs and brings her closer so she's pressing fully into him deepening the kiss, Lauren brings her arms over his shoulders while Ethan grabs under her legs and lifts her up carrying her over to the couch and placing her softly while there lips are still attached. Ethans know on top of her between her legs deepening the kiss even more.

Ethan detaches his lips and slowly moves down to her neck. Leaving wet kisses down her neck finding her sweet spot, Lauren let's out small gasps and literally moans as Ethan continues to kiss her neck but attaches his lips to hers again. Ethan hands are know under her shirt on her waist holding her and Lauren's hands are on his chest.

Lauren breaks the kiss with swollen lips and so are Ethan as they look into each other's eyes "will you help me heal?" she asks softly flicking her eyes to his lips back to his eyes "I was already planning to. We can help each other" he smiles and so does Lauren as she reattaches there lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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