ㅈ - has [j/ch] sound
ㅊ - has the [ch] sound. Pronounced more strongly than ㅈ[j/ch] sound.
ㅋ - has the [k] sound.
Pronounced more strongly than ㄱ [g/k] sound.ㅌ - has the [t] sound.
Pronounced more strongly than ㄷ[d/t] sound.💜Vowels:
ㅛ - pronounced as [yo] like in the word 'yo'
ㅠ - pronounced as [yu] like in the word 'you'
ㅔ - pronounced as [e] like in the word 'egg'
ㅐ - is pronounced as [ae] like in the word 'aesthetic'
1. 우유 - milk
2. 개 - dog
3. 차 - car, tea
4. 베개 - pillow
5. 요리 - cooking
6. 타다 - to ride
7. 메모 - memo
8. 부츠 - boots
9. 주소 - address
10. 코 - nose
11. 야채 - vegetable
12. 노트 - notebook
13. 여자 - woman
14. 크기 - size
15. 티셔츠 - t-shirt
16. 이유 - reason
17. 새 - bird
💙 Note:
Do you still remember in the last two lessons that the consonant at the beginning of a phrase are unvoiced?So they would sound like
[ch,k, t, p] and not [j, g, d, b]👉Example:
자주 (frequent) - would sound like [chaju]✔️ not [jaju]✖️