👉 Finally we're gonna learn the double final consonant.
👉 As you may have guessed, it consist of two consonants.
Block 3
Block 4
✔️C - stands for consonant
✔️V - stands for vowel💙Note:
👉We will use Block 3 if the Vowels are:
3. ㅣ[i]
4. ㅑ[ya]
5. ㅕ[yeo]
6. ㅔ[e]
7. ㅐ[ae]
8. ㅒ[yae]👉We will use Block 4 if the Vowels are:
1. ㅗ [o]
2. ㅜ [u]
3. ㅡ [eu]
4. ㅛ [yo]
5. ㅠ [yu]👉Example:
1. 닭 - chicken
ㄷ - initial consonant
ㅏ - vowel (Block 3)
ㄺ - double final consonant2. 묶다 - to bind
ㅁ - initial consonant
ㅜ - vowel (Block 4)ㄲ - double final consonant
💜 Vocabulary using Block 3 and Block 4
1. 많다 - many
2. 싫다 - to dislike
3. 섞다 - to mix
4. 삶 - life
5. 넓다 - wide
6. 닦다 - to wipe
7. 있다 - to exist, to have
8. 없다 - not to exist, not to have
9. 읽다 - to read