👉This time we're gonna focus on the single final consonant.
👉As you can see, the first two block structures have single final consonant.
👉What we're gonna do now is to learn words using them.
Block 1
Block 2
✔️C - stands for consonant
✔️V - stands for vowel💙Note:
👉We will use Block 1 if the Vowels are:
3. ㅣ[i]
4. ㅑ[ya]
5. ㅕ[yeo]
6. ㅔ[e]
7. ㅐ[ae]
8. ㅒ[yae]👉We will use Block 2 if the Vowels are:
1. ㅗ [o]
2. ㅜ [u]
3. ㅡ [eu]
4. ㅛ [yo]
5. ㅠ [yu]👉Example:
1. 발 - foot
ㅂ - initial consonant
ㅏ - vowel (block 1)
ㄹ - single final consonant2. 손 - hand
ㅅ - initial consonant
ㅗ - vowel (block 2)
ㄴ - single final consonant💜 Vocabulary using Block 1 and Block 2
1. 책 - book
2. 지갑 - wallet
3. 택시 - taxi
4. 한국 - Korea
5. 논 - eye, snow
6. 남자 - man
7. 사람 - person
8. 친구 - friend
9. 감자 - potato
10. 돈 - money