#2 Forgive me

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!!Credits to the image!!

DAY 2✓

It's morning again,Y/N woke up peacefully and brushed her silky hair while humming.After Y/N brushed her hair she went to the bathroom and slip her clothes of to take a bath.

Y/N changed her clothes and went down stairs to eat breakfast."Goodmorning sweetie how's sleep?" Y/N's father started."..it's Good" Y/N replied to her father."Mmmm..(Favorite food)"

Y/N said hungryly(I don't knoW if that's a word😂😂)."Father you know your cooking is so good..What did you put in this (favorite food)"She praised and at the same time asked her father.."I think poison?"her father joked."Really!?"She shouted in shock."No,just joking.Why would I put poison in the food of my daughter,I won't let that happen."

"that was not a good joke you know"Y/N mumbled."You know just eat up there your food is noT gonna be warm anymore" Her father recommended.
ok"she replied.

After they eat Y/N decided again to walk around the village.
"Goodmorning Y/N"
Y/N heard a voice on her back and turn around to see someone.
"Oh,Goodmorning Ochako what's in a hurry?"Y/N replied."Uhh,*pant* some--*pant*"Ochako pant's. "Calm down ochako.." Y/N said worriedly."Ok,so someone is finding you"

"Who?"Y/N replied to her friend.
"I don't know but it's a guy and his so stoic looking guy "Ochako told Y/N. .."Can you take me to him?

"Of Course,his over there in the shrine,let's go before he walk's away"her friend said hurriedly

Y/N and Ochako ran hurriedly to the shrine.
"There he is!!"Ochako said,pointing to the male.

'Wait he look's familiar'Y/N thought,
living her friend behind "Ochako you may go now,I want to talk to him in private" She demanded

"of course not a problem" her friend replied and changed her route.

When she soon arrived in the shrine,the male didn't notice that Y/N was there already."hey stranger,why are you here?!" Y/N said pissed.The male turn around to see the lady."I'm hear to apologize for being rude yesterday. I didn't meant to be rude.
he boy said in a stoic look."Forgive me"he apologize again and bowed."Your already forgiven...just make sure don't be rude again to others"Y/N accepted his apologize.'I didn't now this boy has manners to I thought he was really rude but I was wrong about that'the girl thought."By the way what's your name and where are you from"Y/N asked the male...........

what do you will happen next?

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