#3 Nice to meet you.

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A/N -That video was so random


"By the way what's your name and where you from........

"My name is Shoto Todoroki from furukori village..how bout' your's?"

"Y/N L/N, and you can call me N/N"

*Nods*"Nice to meeting you N/N and I apologize again"

"No need to apologize,just forget that also nice to meet you to'

"Mhm,Maybe I should go now,My father might be finding me"

"Of course"

The male started walking away from the shrine but then the girl tapped his back and said:

"Uhh,wait for a sec.."

"What is it?"the male said

"Umm,C-can we meet again tomorrow ,you know just hang out?"
She said a little nervous.

"Of course,where?"
The male asked for the place they could meet again.

"On the lake sato,is it okay there?
She replied.

"It's okay there,Bye"
The male said with little emotion


'Nice to meet you'Y/N thought

Shoto's father did not know that Shoto was not in their house.

At todoroki mansion

"Where is Shoto?"
Enji (or shoto's father) asked his wife.

"I didn't know whe"
his wife replied.

Enji shouted
Enji couldn't help it bit slap his poor wife.The women just stay quite so enji wouldn't be more angry.

Enji open the door of their son's room but surprisingly shoto wasn't their.

the man shouted loudly.

To be continued......

A/N- Nice to meet you by Meghan Trainor ft. Nicki Minaj
I don't think the music fits in this chapter hhahaha......

K Bye

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