#4 I hate you Father

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(A/N-That was random)

10:25 am
Shoto arrived

Shoto make his self home.
'What if Father will be upset when I show up on him if he really was I'm just gonna accept his punches of his slap' he thought.

When Shoto arrived on the front door 'here it goes' he pushed open the door and saw his father's face really angry.

"Where have you been?!"His father shouted in piss.

"In the Akiyama Village"Shoto explained.


Enji slapped his own son so hard.

His father shouted.

"I-i----" "I SAID WHY DID YOU GO THERE!?" Enji interrupted shouting.

"I-i Just wanted to visit in the shrine"the boy said with little higher tone. 


Shoto wanted to shout but he don't want the mess get bigger.

"Enji stop it your hurting him"
shoto's mother said or Rei.

"You stop!!"


After that big slap,Enji just walk away and try calm his self.

"Mother"Shoto said worriedly.
"You shouldn't do that"he said again

"No son it's fine,he's always hurting you"

Shoto hug's his mother and cried.

"He's a monster"

"Shoto his not,calm your self"her mother said.

"Under stand him shoto"

"No,he's the one who will under stand"
The boy said.


Calm down"Her mother said while pecking his chicks.

He give he's mother a stoic look
and replied a 'Mhm'.

'I hate him'



A/N-Credits to the image(That was random) K bye

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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