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The Z fighters just returned from the TOP and Whis gave frieza his life back and he left. The gang was celebrating their win and beerus was stuffing his face and others where talking amongst themselves. aside from a few mainly Piccolo, Vegeta and surprisingly Goku was isolated from the group also and was super quiet.

This strange silence from his catches Bulma's eye and walks towards her long time best friend " Goku you ok ? it's not like you to be this quiet" she asks with concern . The Saiyan just grins sheepishly and replies " Yeah just fine but just tired I think I'm ganna head home " before he could lift a finger bulma says " If anything bothers you just say ok , you know that I'll be there for you " and Goku nods and uses Instant Transmission


Goku appears in his bed room and is greeted by moans and grunts of pleasure. He sees his wife for 22 years in bed having sex with Yamcha his long time friend.

"The fuck is going on ?" He questions in a low and threatening  tone as his anger started to bubbling up "GOKU WHAT ARE YOU GOING HERE " yells Chichi with fear in her voice "I live here " answers Goku 

"Goku buddy this isn't what it looks like  we were just ...... um arr " mumbles Yamcha trying to exlplain " JUST answer me one thing . How long has this been going on ?" Questions Goku grinding  his teeth trying to control his anger and obviously failing as sparks of lightning  surround him , his eyes turn a piercing  silver and his hair was shifting between spiky and it's normal position

"A..afte...ter th...t..the ....c..e...cell " answers Yamcha trying to gather his clothing but the was no way of doing that without going through the angry Goku "so 10 years of lying  and cheating " says Goku narrowing his eyes

This action made them sweat even more "WHAT DID YOU EXPECT  HAH YOUR NEVER HOME YOUR EITHER  TRAINING OR DEAD AND I HAVE NEEDS I'M A WOMAN AND I NEED A MAN TO SATISFY ME "yells Chichi getting of bed wrapting her body with blankets "I expected  more from you  but i guess  i expected to much " replies Goku turning to leave " sorry for interrupting  "says  Goku before disappearing with instant transmission leaving Chichi in tears knowing that she lost her husband


Goku appeared on top of a mountain  range. His eyes were filled tears this was the second time he let them fall, roll over his cheeks and fall to the ground

He kept thinking  about that moment , that event , the many years he spent all gone to waste. Of all the time he got angry, those moments pale in comparison  to his rage at the moment

His anger increased and he released a primal scream and the surge in power was immense, resulting in it blowing out if him

His anger increased and he released a primal scream and the surge in power was immense, resulting in it blowing out if him

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Briefs house

The celebrations continued after Goku left some of his friends did ask about him but Bulma told them that he left

GOKU : DC'S GOD OF DESTRUCTION Where stories live. Discover now