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At the home of the amazons, the furies were just released from their cell and are now looking at Kakarot , Hera and Hippolyta. " what are we doing here?" asks Barda one could feel the edge in her voice.

" well the amazons will be taking care of you, and if you cause any trouble I will end you " say Hera in a no nonsense tone. She than ordered the amazon to guide them to their homes and make sure that they are settled in. The female worriers bowed and took the worriers of Apokolips away.

Hera then turned to Kakarot and asked " So tell me why were not leaving?"

" Well you see, last night I took the time to sense out the whole of the universe and I found something extremely interesting " he answers with a smile.

" and they are? " asks Hippolyta while walking with Kakarot to the castle of themyscira. They entered with the Saiyan god still silent. They walked to the meeting room and on the way they met up with Athena who followed them. Before they could enter the room Diana stopped them.

"Mother may I attend this meeting ?" asks the princess with hope in her voice.

Hippolyta looks at her daughter for a few minutes before asking " tell me Diana, why do you wish to get yourself involved in matters of themyscira ?" she asks and seeing the offended look on the face of wonder woman " I mean you seem to not care for your people , so why get involved. While I do acknowledge the fact you try to get the people of the world of men to adopt some of our customs, you seem to have forgotten what it means to be an amazon " she says.

Diana looks down but a hand on her shoulder made her look up to see Kakarot looking at her with a calculative gaze. " yes you may enter, I would do you good to know what is to become of your people " he says while entering with the others following close behind.

They take sits in the circular table with Kansei joining them after that. " well as I said yesterday night I sensed out somethings that are very powerful and can help me move this island to new themyscira " says the GOD.

" and have you found out what they are ?" asks Athena in a serious tone.

" Well I had asked kansei here to search the energy signature and I haven't seen her til now " says Kakarot in a serious tone while leaning forward. The angel taps her staff on the ground and 9 images appear of monster like creatures.

Diana gasped when she saw the yellow one that looked like a insect " parallax " she whispers in fear.

" I take it you know him ? " asks Kansei.

" yes that is the embodiment of fear able to possess any one who shows even the slightest hint of fear " she says

" Ok who are the others ?" asks Athena with genuine interest in these creatures.

" After the White Light was shattered by the Darkness into the seven colors of the rainbow and the seven feelings of the Emotional Spectrum, the Entity was hidden within the core of the planet Earth by the Guardians of the Universe. This led to life being generated across the universe, beginning on Earth. Later, this led to the rise of sentient beings, seven of whom eventually were the first to tap into the power and corresponding light of emotions and were transformed into cosmic-level entites of staggering power.

At an unspecified point in time, Ion became the first sentient being to ever will itself to move. This was the origin of willpower itself, and caused Ion to transform into the embodiment of will. It was the first of the seven emotional entities to come into existance. Thousands of years after Ion's transformation, a simple flying insect transformed into the fear it felt as it fled for its life. This insect became Parallax, the second of the emotional entities. At some point afterwards, the Predator and love simultaneously "ignited" into existance, creating the third emotional entity.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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