CHAPTER 5 : queen' S first Kiss

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" mother where are you taking me ? " asked Diana " easy daughter being in the world of men has made you impatient besides we are already here " say Hippolyta as they walk deep into the forest and lifting the tree branches to revile a clearing Diana walks passed her mother and she follows from behind Diana turns looking at her mother " What are we doing here ? "

"They want to talk to you " says the Amazonian queen " Them?" asks the princess confused " what are you talking about " she continues " yes them " says Hippolyta pointing at the clearing, making Diana look . She saw the two Goddesses of Olympic sparring amongst themselves


Athena was charging at Hera with her spare and shield with Hera pulling out her wand and extended it forming a staff and charged back. The two met at the middle of the clearing with Athena thrusting her spare forward and Hera sidestepping it and spinning her staff almost hitting the goddesses side but she brought her shield to block it but the force of the attack shattered the shield on impact and proceeded to hit Athena's ribs making her scream in agony following with by hitting her in the chin sending her flying to the sky . Hera finished by gathering a purple energy in her hand and flying after Athena and slamming the attack on her stomach resulting in a explosion


" GREAT HERA " says wonder woman in shock seeing the battle between the two " yes glorious is it not " says Hippolyta who to didn't expect a fight at this magnitude and quick ' it seems what kakarot did made Hera even more powerful ' thinks the queen but i'm glad that she was not the onlyis one ' thinks the queen looking at her daughter

Hippolyta walks forward to the female gods ready who were standing tall albeit Athena was injured but she was starting to heal " ow Hello Hippolyta and Diana " greets Athena with Hera keeping a stoic look Both demi goddesses kneel down. This causes Hera's eye to twitch in annoyance this action was a sign of weakness and the newly awakened warrior in her does not like it one bit

Hippolyta and Diana were surprised when they received kick to the face sending them flying a back. shock at this action Athena shouts " Hera that was uncalled for " but the queen of Olympus looks at her and says " get up warriors you never kneel especially you Hippolyta where is your warrior pride " says the queen of Olympus shocking them she never spoke like this " you I thought you were Hippolyta queen of the amazons not Hippolyta the weak you of all people should challenge authority that doesn't seem just for your people " says the goddess of mother hood then her gaze turned to Athena " you let your people suffer in the hands of men and did nothing to help and you call yourself the goddess of the war and wisdom you don't deserve such a right " says Hera crossing her arms on her chest making them bigger

She looked at the queenof the amazons " we will be leaving shortly will you like to come ?asked Hera "the queen stood tall and glared at Hera "yes " she said but the queen of Olympus dismissed the glare and turned to Diana

" Will you be going back to the land of men ?" asked Hera " yes the are many threats that need to be taken care off" replies Diana

" and why is that " asks Kakarot landing next to them with big barda in his arms " YOU " shouts Diana attacking but stopped by Hippolyta by grabbing her leg and slamming her to the ground " Calm down Diana " she says " but ...." she couldn't continue " Diana you have no right to attack someone who is helping us amazons so you will calm down or i will kick you out of Themyscira permanently " threatens the queen she was upset that her daughter was still going to leave them and go back to a place that is as good as dead

" Athena will you explain things to Diana and get your amazons ready we'll be back in a new hours" says Kakarot " ok I will but is it wise to go with the servants of Darksied ?" Asks Athena raising a brow "

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