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The league was on one of it's jets a couple of minutes away from themyscrira and they are extremely  uneasy.The black cloud of smoke is ahead of them is not helping either and Diana was very worried about her fellow amazonians

As paradise island comes into view they see the destroyed  buildings with a giant hole in the middle of the great amazonian  city

The daughter of Zues tried to hold in tears as she vowed to make who ever did this pay. Superman place a consolidative hand on his love interests shoulder "he'll psy for this Diana i promise " says Superman

"Why would he do this?  " asks Batman  " I don't know but hr won't  live through this day " says wonder woman wiping  tears  from her eyes

Batman lands the jet and they step out of the aircraft and walk to stand over the giant crater and see the saiyan  god  meditating with rocks shattering

Super girl was the first to attack as she flies fool speed and tries to punch the saiyan god but her fist only came into contact with a energy barrier " YOU MONSTER  WHAT DID THE THESE PEOPLE EVER DO TO YOU " kara shouts increasing  her speed as she punches the barrier  over and over again. Seeing that it's  not working she jumps back and uses her heat vision but it's  deflected  to all directions without touching the saiyan.

Kakarot  opens his eyes and narrows them a bit and multiple transparent energy blasts strike the supergirl launching  her to the other side of the crater. He stands up and looks at the league  with a smirk before taking a deep breath and his red hair turns black " Your late Daina your people needed you and you were not here" says Kakarot 

The wonder woman flies full speed and throws a punch that was easily blocked.Kakarot punched her in the stomach  and again in the cheek and she slid back and was forced  to a stop when she stabbed her sword the ground "I'll make you suffer " she says in a threatening  tone

Superman using his super speed to try and punch Kakarot  but all he punched was the ground. The saiyans punch did not miss and he punched clark in the face followed by a uppercut  and a powerful punch to the stomach sending him flying.

The saiyan  god jumped back dodging a attack from the green lantern. He fire a ki blast that striked Hal  and also was sent flying. Flash roomed into action trying to punch the god but all of them where blocked  as he kept increasing  his speed the god was keeping up. He found an opening and  kneed him in the stomach and  flicked him away

Hawk girl powered her maice and flew right at Kakarot and striked with all her might. A shockwave was a result and dust was kicked up. As it cleared Kakarot was holding the maice with an open palm and looked into the redheads eye narrowing  his own. He closed his hand crushing  the weapon while pulling her towards him and blasted  her away 

He suddenly turns and grabs an invisible foe by the neck soon reviling Martian manhunter. Before glaring at him  and a powerful  force blows him away.

Diana attacked again  and karen was with her . They send a barrage of punches and kicks that the saiyan god blocks or dodges. Kakarot increases  his ki pressure pushing the back . Power girl was his first victim as she recived a barrage of punches,kicks and finally a ki wave making her crash to the ground

" you team fails you Daina  you rely to much  on them they make you  weak " says Kakarot  dodging Dianas attacks he palms her in her stomach pushing her back a bit turns to see superman about to attack but he sidesteps him grabs his legs and uses the dragon spin sending him colliding with supergirl.

Again he and Diana have their dance with Kakarot  testing tghe wonder woman. " you hinder  yourself Daina  i want you at full power " says Kakarot before kneeing her making her kneel down holdingbher stomach "pathedic your fellow worriers elect you to be their savior and you cant even avenge them you didn't  deserve  the mantle of wonder woman " says Kakarot  powering a ki blast in his palm ready  to finish her off

'I failed my people needed me and  i was not their  of them i was i the world i was trying  to save a world that doesn't  want to be saved....a world that wants me dead....a world that it's  heroes constantly fail to take one life to save a thousand  and many have suffered because  of this......well no more i will fight from now on as an amazon and  not wonder woman and i will avenge  my sisters i am ' "AN AMAZON " she shout on the top of her lungs and lightning  exploded out of her and soon her wonder woman outfit was replaced by

well no more i will fight from now on as an amazon and  not wonder woman and i will avenge  my sisters i am ' "AN AMAZON " she shout on the top of her lungs and lightning  exploded out of her and soon her wonder woman outfit was replaced by

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And golden lightning surround  her. She kicked Kakarot  in the stomach and swung her blades ripping kakarots clothes but didn't  Pearce his skin

She send a barrage of punches and kicks that each released a burst of lightning. She finished he assault  with by firing a burst of lightning at point blank range sending kakarot flying and crashed on the buildings  in lightning  speed she was going to finish him of she readed a punch  and striked kakarot and huge explosion was a result

"Have you seen her like this ?" Asks flesh looking at the dark knight "no" he answers.the other heros were amazed at the power displayed  by the amazonian  princess

The smoke,dust and rumble cleared and you could see the shocked expression in the league's faces looking and marveling at the scene infront of them

Kakarot was holding the fist of the super charged wonder woman with a smile in his face as if he was happy " Good in that you cast aside your trivial beliefs of justice you ascended further than any amazon could you truly deserve the mantle of wonder woman" says the saiyan god but his smile drops into a frown " but now you must be eliminated " he says as a white aura forms around him and concentrates into his hand that is gripping Diana's  and a ki blast hitting wonder woman seemingly  vaporizing her

The league was horrified they just lost one of their strongest members " YOU MONSTER " shouts superman his eyes turning red with rage flying full speed at kakarot.the saiyan just took a deep breath and his red eyes turn silver once more and he dodges the enraged kryptonian and with a quick chop to the neck he was unconscious and grabs him by the red cape throwing next to batman

Hal fires a green energy attack while powergirl , supergirl and Martin  manhunter fired heat visions from all sides and the saiyan formed an energy barrier around himself blocking the attacks he made the aura around him change from white to blue and expended it outward blowing the heroes away knocking  all of  them unconscious 

"Well let's wait and see " says Kakarot 

2 hour timeskip

The defenders of earth slowly started to wake up from their slumber and were feeling the effects of the beat down given to them

The last son of krypton was the first and soon the others followed they looked for any signs of their opponent and the princess of the amazons. After  a few hours of searching they give up and leave

After that the illusion around the place drops and themyscrira was back glory and the wonder woman  appeared on the ground unconscious and the queen approached her daughter splashing some water on her face. This action makes her jolt up and takes a fighting  stance with her blue eyes glowing yellow

"Calm down Diana" says Hippolyta calming the amazon down.Diana is overwhelmed with emotion and runs to hug her mother rambling  about missing  them how she thought they were dead and that Kakarot attacked and killed them all and soon her

The amazonian queen once again gets Diana to calm down before saying " Well we needed for you to think that so that you can fully became wonder woman " says Hippolyta getting a confused look front her daughter which causes her to smile

"Follow me " she says and the mother daughter duo start walking " where are we going " asks Daina " you'll see "

End done hope you like it this was truth out

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