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The amazons where living their daily lives but their queen Hippolyta was worried about her daughter who was in the world of men.

Next to her was her other daughter  Donna Troy and the rival of Diana Artemis. They were walking on the streets of themyscrira and greeting their fellow amazons

Then a load boom was hear and a great lightning striked the ground causing all of the amazons to close their eyes as soon as it fades and standing in front of the amazons were their gods all accounted for

Zues, Hera,Poseidon,Athena,Apollo and Ares including their sons and daughters  even the demi gods the only one missing  was the wonder woman  daughter of Zues

" Gods of Olympus what do we owe  the pleasure of your visit " asks the queen kneeling down on one knee and bowing her head and the others soon followed

"Rise Hippolyta we are where to deal with someone a great evil that threatens your piece and existance " says the king of Olympus " but is he so dangerous  that all of you  need to be here ? " asks the amazonian queen

" Yes " a feminine voice was heard startling everyone present and a beam of light appeared  from the sky and striked between the amazons  and their gods separating them

And soon Kansei was visible with Kakarot  behind her " now now don't you dare lie about me Zues " says the kakarot as the saiyan walked closer to the gods " so this is how you use the power you stole but you know what i expected as much from a weak...little...human greedy and selfish you do all you can to boost your ego and now you all will pay the price for your crimes " says Kakarot before raising his palm and fires a ki blast that kills most of the gods

" He have to help them " say Donna standing up but found that the was something holding her in place but couldn't find out what. She looks at the attandent of the GOD( God of Destruction)  and sees her looking them " i wouldn't  do that if i were you " says kensai

The queen stands and charges ready to kill the angel but in knocked down  by an invisible barrier " What in Zues beard" she exclaims she tries to punch slash anyway to escape but all those attamps where futile

The gods of Olympus  tried to stand  others could others could not but majority of them were dead " You insolent creature you accuse us for crimes US THE GODS OF MAN" Zues  exclaims and attacks with a full powered punch,aimed for Kakarot's face

As it connacts a shockwave resulted kicking up dust. After the dust cleared Zues saw kakarots face slightly  tilted and his fist pressing against his cheek but the was no damage at all. Kakarot fired a ki blast that burst rigt through the god making him cough out blood before falling to the ground dead.

" you know what lets me end this " says Kakarot  before disappearing  and his fist piercing right through Apollo's chest and spinning whilst forming a ki blade with his hand and decapitating Ares

Poseidon charged and sent a barrage of attacks that were effortlessly  dodged by the saiyan god who countered with an uppurcut and a kick to the stomach of the greek god destroying any and all internal organs but since he impervious  to injury he was still alive but died due to the fingure blast piercing his brain

All that was left was Athena and Hera. Hera grabbed  her staff and charged with Athena in unison. This made Kakarot  smirk a bit and dodged all their attacks

The amazons where now terrified his man just took out their gods in mere minutes and made it look easy " What is he ? " asked Hippolyta  looking at the angel in " that is the god of destruction  of this universe" she answers " God of destruction  " mutters " What does he have against his fellow gods " asks the amazonian queen " no you see my dear amazonian queen  the gods you serve were not meant to be gods they were just humans who stumbled upon something they weren't  meant too and his mad because he warned them to return it but they didn't so this is their punishment " explains Kensai

GOKU : DC'S GOD OF DESTRUCTION Where stories live. Discover now