2. Finals

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I wake up from the screaming of my alarm. I get out of bed and get dressed. It's pretty warm so I decided to wear a t-shirt and some sweatspants.

I lay my eyes on the clock on the wall. It's 7:09 AM. I go out of my room and in to the kitchen. I'm starving and in need of food.

I get some bread and make a sandwich. This will do, I thought. I grabbed the sandwich and hurried to the buss.

The buss was already there when I arrived. I ran to the bus and got on. There where not alot of people, mostly university students.

I sat down in a empty seat and took out my phone. I scrolled through twitter and instagram before getting of at Hanyang university. Not alot of students where there. I guess it's becouse it's quite early in the day. I stroll down the corridor and enter the classeroom.

I sit down at a desk near the back and wait for the teacher to arrive. More and more students arrive, still no sign of our proffesor. Late as always, I thought. Just as I think that he rushes inside to start the lesson.

We basically went over the chapters and got to ask questiones. It was pretty helpful considering that were graduating soon and our finals are tomorrow.

I hurried up the stairs to my next class. I got in the room and sat down. There were a group of girls chatting, I couldn't help but eavsdrop.

"I'm so excited for their new comeback." one of them said.

"I know right, did you see concept photos" the blonde one said.

"Taehyung oppa just looked so, ethereal" the brunett said.

"I just wish they knew of our excistens." I almost rolled my eyes at them. I know there fans and all, but if they knew them in real life, they would just see seven hardworking guys. Not some gods.

After the last class of the day I got on the buss and sat down. I suddenly recived a text from my mom.

Mom: Could you please get the groceries? I'm stuck in a meeting.

You: Of course! I'm on the bus                 now what do we need?

Mom: Thank you 😊. Milk, eggs and noodles.

You: Got it!

Mom: If I'm not home by six, start making dinner.

You: Okay, see you later.

Mom: See you!

I get of at my stop and walk towards the grocery store. I get the milk, eggs and noodles. I wait in line for my turn to check out.

"8972 ₩" the worker says as I handed over the cash. I walk home with the groceries with me.

I start studying immidatly when I get home. After a hour I get a video call from Seokjin. I answer it of course.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"Just studying for finals." I answerd.

"When are they?" he says.

"Tomorrow, I can't hang out today." I say while pouting cutely.

"Such a shame, the boys really miss you." he says while also pouting to tease me.

"Yah! Don't tease me!" I exclaim.

We talk for a while until I decide to look at the clock. It's six PM.

"I need to start cooking or the boys are gonna kill me." I say.

"See you soon." He says.

"Yeah" I say while hanging up. I go to the kitchen and start cooking. All I could think of was ramen. The boys love it so I decided to make it.

                 The next day
                     7:40 Am

I feel like throwing up. I'm so nervous, I could die. I got a text from Seokjin earlier saying "Good luck I know you'll do great. 👍" He's my bestfriend and I really appreciated it.

The others in my class are looking like wrecks. They have bags under there eyes and are paler than usual. I probably also look like that. I take out my phone and check. Yep I do, I thought.

I stayed up to 1 AM last night studying. I didn't eat breakfast. I just brought some grapes to campus. The teacher tells us the importance of these tests and hands the papers out.

I'm sitting at a table in the cafeteria eating my grapes scrolling through twitter. I hope I did great. I just felt a little confused by the last question. Other than that I think I'll do well.

I just have to wait for the results and after that I'm graduating. I'm really excited to start working and stop studying.

I want to become a doctor to help people in need. That's why I take these finals really seriously. If I fail I'm doomed, I wouldn't know what to do.

I reach for the last grape in the plastic container only to find that I already are it. There is no reason for me to stay on campus right now. I'm done with my finals.

I take the plastic container and walk to the bus stop. The bus is crowded and I can bearly fit. I get of at my stop and walk through the park before going home.

I get home to find that my mom is home. I manage to get into kitchen before being seen.

"How did your finals go?" mom asked.

"Good, I think" I said as I made a sandwich."I won't know for sure until the results come."

"You'll do great." she says reassuringly.

"Thank you" I say. I'm starving, considering that I have only had grapes today. I dig into my sandwich and talk to mom. I helped her with dinner. We made kimbap. It was delicious.

I'm in my room when I get a text from Seokjin. I excitedly look what it says.

Seokjin: How did your finals go?

I felt bad that I didn't contact him after they were finished.

       You: They went fine, we'll get

                       the results in a few weeks.

Seokjin: You probably aced it!

You: Hopefully I felt abit unsure
of the last question.

Seokjin: Namjoons calling me I gotta go.

You: See you!

I stayed up late watching a movie since I don't have class tomorrow considering it's saturday tomorrow. I went to sleep at around midnight.
This chapter sucked. It took me a long time to write becouse I didn't know what to write about😅. I honestly hope you will enjoy the rest of the story. It's my first one so it will probably suck 😔. I really like writing this story and hope it will do well. I apologize for any spelling mistakes, autocorrect was not having it today.

Bestfriend // a Kim Seokjin fanficWhere stories live. Discover now