14. Paris pt.2

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We had been in for Paris a few days, it had become time to go climb the Eiffel tower.

We left the small restaurant where we had breakfast at, it was delicious we had to leave a tip. Seokjin grapped my hand softly as we walked to the Effiel tower. It was already crowded even tough it was still early in the day, around 12 o' clock. But it's propably because it's a very popular tourist attraction.

"Let's have the workout of our lifes, shall we?" Seokjin asked, practically beaming.

"We shall." I smiled at him. Over these few days in Paris I had relaised something, I had completly fallen in love with him. He made me feel like nobody has every made me feel, he made me feel special, loved. Not that my family didn't make me feel all of those things, but there's just something different about him.

We stood at the base ready to start walking the whole way up. This is gonna take the whole day! I mentally cursed at myself for making the desicion that we'd go here.

Seokjin lightly tugged my arm, signaling that it was time to move. We moved up the steps for what must have been hours. I had never felt this tired in my life. I'm going to be so sore tomorrow.

With aching legs we climbed the last steps and made it the top. The view was beautiful, everything I had imagined and more. You could see most of Paris from up here.

I looked at Seokjin with sparkling eyes, he looked at me with nothing but warmth. A smile was plasterd on both of our faces.

"I've relaised something." he said a faint blush creeping up on his ears.

"What is it?" I softly asked. I trust this man with my life, I'd give it up for him even. He was holding both of my hands in his, looking me right in the eye.

"I love you, Seo Miyoung." he said making my heart go wild. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." I pulled him into a tight embrace. My eyes watered. He lifted my chin up wiping the stray tears that had decided to fall. His lips braced mine. I kissed him, my hand going through his hair. Both of us were shedding tears of pure joy.

                                  - -

"Yah, that was my cookie!" Seokjin complained, watching me take a bite out of his cookie.

"You're a millionare, buy your own damn cookie!" I said cocking an eyebrow.

"Not fair!" he pouted. He looked like a cute little baby. I broke the cookie in half and gave the half I hadn't ate out of to him. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." I said watching him happily munch on the airport cookie. I look around to make sure that nobody is watching us. I can't help but be a little paranoid, c'mon he's literly apart of one of the biggest boygroups in the world. If some sasaeng followed us we'd be screwed, or even worse, Dispatch. We'd really be screwed if they followed us on our trip in Paris. Bighit specifically told them to respect the groups privacy on their hiatus, but when do they ever listen?

"Let's get to the gate and find a good seat." I said whilst standing up from the low chair I was sitting on. He shortly followed after me trying to find our gate. Trying to find our gate wasn't the easiest, none of us are fluent in french or english. After some time we finally sat down at our gate. We were bording in 15 minutes. I picked up my phone and texted mom.

You: Bording in 15, are the boys good?

I got a response almost immediatly.

Mom: There doing great, they miss you but aren't showing it.

You: Tell them I'll be home tomorrow, that may cheer them up.

Mom: I haven't missed you that's for sure.

You: I'm the only kid that isn't a complete failiure yet😡

Mom: I may have to agree on that, don't tell them I said that.

You: Your secret is safe with me🤫

I felt Seokjins gaze burning into my soul.

You: I'll text you once we've landed, Seokjins staring daggers at me. Love you❤️😊

I turned my head to Seokjins direction.

"You know it's rude to stare?" I said making eye contact with a flustered Seokjin.

"It's not rude if the person you're staring at is beautiful." he said as if he was speaking logically. Now it was my turn to be flustered.

"That made no sense" I stated.

"In my mind it does."

"Well, your mind isn't exactly reliable." I raised my eyebrows.

"Yah, really?"  he complained.

                                 - -

The hot summer air of Seoul had hit me like a truck. It felt amazing to be back in Seoul again, I loved Paris but Seoul will always be my home. My family, my bestfriend and the man I fell in love with are all there.

I saw a familiar figure standing close to one of the many exits. I hurriedly walked over to her.

"Mom!" I practically screamed running to hug her, earning a few stares from some strangers. We folded our arms in a tight embrace.

"Did you have fun?" she asked, smiling brightly.

"Of course." I said looking into her eyes, there was something that I couldn't decipher. It disappeared before I could tell what it was.

"I exist too!" Seokjin complained. I quietly chuckled as I quickly wrapped him in a hug.

"I'll see you soon." I said.

"Yep, I love you." he said casually.

"I love you too." I said waving him goodbye. Mom basically dragged me to the car, trying to get me to spill on what went down in Paris.

"Tell me, spill the tea." she said as she started the car.

"Mom!" I groaned while she was giggling evilly.

(Seokjin's POV)

The front door clicked faintly as I closed it. It was around seven in the afternoon and they were running around like crazy people. How do they have this much energy?

"I'm home!" I shouted to get their attention on me as I rolled my suitcase into the dorm.

"Seokjin hyung!" Jimin burst out of happiness as he ran over to me. "It's been chaos over here!"

"Namjoon lost another pair of AirPods." Yoongi said quietly in the back. I surely missed the chaos of being in the dorm.
If you find my chapters short, the next chapter will most likely be my longest I've ever written. I've never been to Paris, let alone the Eiffel Tower so I have no idea on how that works. Thank you for following this book and I'll see y'all next time!

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