11. Jobs

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I slowly walked out of the hospital, the summer air hitting my face. The nerves from the interview weren't gone yet. I didn't know if I did good or not. I had another interview in an hour at a café. I only planned to have a part time job during the rest of my summer and then I'd hopefully start working during the fall.

I hurried towards the busstop, trying not to miss the bus. I got their just in time, the bus had just arrived. I sat down near the back trying not to disturb anyone. I'm so nervous I could die. I raised one of my hands from my lap, I was shaking, badly.

The old run down busstop I used to get of at everyday enters my sight. It's my turn to get of this fucking hot bus. The driver gives me a smile, I can easily tell it's forced just by looking at his eyes. I bring myself to give an equally fake smile out of politeness.

I looked at my phone, ten minutes left. My steps hurried by the second, I speedwalked towards the cafe, making sure I'm not late. I was shaking even more now. I opened the door and head for the counter. There's a young girl standing behind it, doing nothing.

"Excuse me." I said clearing my voice so that I sounded confident. "Do you know where Mr. Kim's office is?"

"Oh!" she looked startled. "Yes I know where his office is, are you here for an interview?"

"Yes I am" I gave her a smile, she returned it.

"It's just down the hall on the right." I gave her a small thank you heading down the hallway. Lo and behold I found his door and knocked . A middle aged man opened the door.

"You must be Seo Miyoung." he gave me a welcoming smile to ease my nerves.

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"You're hired!" he enthusiasticly said. I bowed and returned the smile.

"Thank you Mr. Kim." I bowed again and hurried out the door hearing a faint your welcome, and that I start tomorrow at 9 am. I reached the main part of the cafe.

"Did you get it?" the woman asked me from behind the counter.

"Yep!" I cheerfully said jumping up and down. The woman joins me.

"I'm going to need to know your name, coworker." she said as she stopped jumping.

"My name is Seo Miyoung." I said, bowing. "What's your name, coworker?"

"My name is Lee Soyoung." she bows 90°. "How old are you?"

"92 liner." I smiled.

"Damn it, I'm a 96 liner." she complained.

"Guess I'm your unnie then." I smirked cockily. Soyoung only scoffed. We stayed there talking for a while, until I decided I needed to get home and prepare myself for tomorrow.
One of my shorter chapters. Not proud of it really either, I'm planning on releasing a longer chapter later today or tomorrow. The updates are going to increase since I want this fanfic done before I start hell, I mean school😅 But that doesn't mean I won't continue writing on Wattpad.
See you later alligator!~

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