The Games: Bittersweet

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The rain continued. It was getting heavier and heavier. I woke with a start from another nightmare to see a curtain of water at the caves entrance.

Sitting with their back to me was Chat, who I now knew for certain was Adrien. It couldn't be anyone else. I studied his features from behind and noticed how strong he looked in his suit. It certainly didn't leave much to the imagination.

I'd heard that desirables made a lot of money in the Capitol after winning the games. I'm sure Adrien would be treated well once he'd won. This is the only way I can pay him back for everything he has done for me.

"I know you're staring at me." Chat's voice broke through the sound of the thundering water.

I stand up, walk over and sit beside him. Hugging my knees, I let my head fall onto his shoulder. He puts his arm around me and we just sit and stare at the heavy downpour.

"I think you're right about giving us all time to heal." Chat commented as he stuck his hand outside.

"How are we meant to hunt in this weather? Nothing will be out in the open."

"Maybe they want us all to starve to death." He nervously chortled.

This reminded me of the note I'd received from Fu. Perhaps I need to up the game with the whole star-crossed lovers thing.

"I know who you are." I say bluntly to Chat.


"Powers of elimination, I guess." I look up into his eyes.

"Lets just say you're not the only one who figured it out. Your eyes are the same."

"So you've known from day one?"

"Of course, M'lady. Why do you think I'm here with you? I wouldn't just trust anyone." Adrien lowered his arm from my shoulder and I felt a chill creep over me. I wanted - no needed - his warmth.

He'd moved back into the depths of the cave and signalled for me to join him under the sleeping bag. I make my way over and we sit next to each other, shoulder to shoulder.  We needed to talk about everything. We both knew this conversation was going to be important.

"I know you've not felt the same way about me as I you, but I need to ask if what you said last night was the truth or just tiredness?" Adrien was first to speak break the awkward silence.

"Honestly, I do love you. Though, at the moment I'm not completely sure how."

"That's fine by me, bugaboo." Adrien nudges his shoulder into mine.

I laugh. Something about spending time with Adrien has made me like him more and more.

"You do realise one of us will be dead by the end of the games." I sigh. I replay the thoughts I had after the interviews and my conversation with Adrien. Why did all this have to happen now?

"I know, but you'll go on and have that nice life like we've discussed before. You'll be fine, Ladybug." I shake my head feeling tears form in my eyes.

"Do you believe in all the theories of the Miraculous?" I can tell Adrien is trying to distract my thoughts.

"There must be a reason for them to be so sacred. So yes, I do believe in their magic."

"What about the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous'? Do you believe their story?"

"I find it interesting that they are rarely used. It could be to do with the two halves making a whole thing. My kwami told me about it before I transformed. I was told to find you. So I'm guessing one only go out as a pair?" I try to think about what it all means.

The Ladybug and Cat are 'meant to be', but in what way is unknown. Only one of them has ever survived the games.

"I'd gladly spend the rest of my life with you m'lady. If it's true what they say about soul mates. I know we're nothing more than friends at the moment but I feel a connection to you. One that I don't want to break."

"I feel it too Kitty." I look him but he's facing away. I cup his face and turn it so his eyes are looking at mine. Slowly, I move my head towards his. Keeping my eyes focused on him, making sure I have permission for what I'm about to do.

I place a soft gentle kiss on his lips and move back. He grabs my head and pulls me back again, this time for a deeper kiss and I feel every emotion he has for me right there and then. The swirling sensation starts up in my stomach again. I like kissing Adrien, it feels so natural.

We pull away from each other and he rests his forehead against mine. We hear a thud outside the cave and jump up into a defensive position. Chat tells me to stay back and makes his way to the entrance.

I see his tense shoulders relax as he places his baton away. Bending down into a crouch I see him pick something up. It's another big box. He brings it to me and sets it down. I come and sit next to him and we open it together. The box is filled with luxury food. Meats, bread, pastries, cakes and drinks.

"Woah!" Chat exclaims opening up the box, revealing the large array of contents.

There's a little note situated on top which we both eye. I shriek and put my hand over my mouth whilst Adrien blushes a deep red.

Now that's what I call a kiss! More of that please, kids!

We look everywhere but at each other. Is it possible we both might of forgotten about the camera's strategically placed around the arena?

"Shall we eat?" Adrien asks and I nod.

We decide to eat only a small amount saving the rest for tomorrow.

The meat is so delicate it feels as though it just melts in your mouth. From what we could make out it was chicken or turkey. We know it was definitely a white meat.

We share a bread roll and Adrien introduces me to something called butter. Apparently you spread it on the bread and it tastes delectable.

Adrien spreads butter on a broken piece of bread and hands it to me. I can see him staring waiting for my reaction as I eat it. I raise it to my mouth and slowly bite off the tiniest bit. The flavour is like an explosion in my mouth. The bread has some sort of herb in it and is incredibly fluffy. The butter is like nothing I've ever tasted before. It's incredible.

"Oh wow! This is so good." I say to Adrien as I take another mouthful of the bread. "Try some." I say pushing the bread towards his mouth. He grabs hold of my wrist and leads it to his mouth. He takes a bite and groans.

We continue eating our rationed food and then collapse on the make shift bed.

"I am so full, I can't move!" I exclaim.

"Does that mean you can't move your lips as well?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me and lays at my side supporting himself on one elbow.

"Give it a try and you'll see."

Adrien bends his head down to mine and we go straight into a deep kiss. We both knew this one was for the act, especially after what happened with Fu's note. But if kisses are what the Capitol want, kisses are what they will get.

We both fell into a peaceful sleep that evening. Warm, full and in the comfort of each other, and for once the nightmares didn't come.

When we both awoke the next morning, the rain had stopped and the sun was shining. This could only mean one thing - the game was back on and the bittersweet ending was fast approaching.

All I had to do now was make sure I kept Adrien alive until the end.

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