Damien and Celines souls are fused as one. This soul is Dark. But when a soul wants to take control they break away from the other. And gaining control over the body for a short period of time. The body then forces the two souls back together.

This sometimes happens when Dark is angry. Celine is usualy the one that lashes out. When she does, Darks eyes both turn red and their red aura overpowers the blue one. And their ringing gets louder. Shell cracking much more. William is the one to calm them down most of the time.

When Damien gets a chance, its usually when Dark is feeling overwhelming or strong emotions. Both their eyes turn blue and their blue aura over powers the red one. The ringing is much more soft and their demeanour is more gentle. They are much more affectionate in this state, so Wilford always uses this as his chance to cuddle with them.

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