Skylar Jackson

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Standing in her office, Skylar looked out at the construction site in the north part of the island. She saw the buildings beginning to form out of the metal beams and glass, which was holding together the structures. She knew the construction would come to an end in a matter of weeks.

Excited to have her project finished, Skylar placed her hand onto the glass surface of her desk. She saw her eyes shimmering in the blueprints before her. The blueprints of the north part of the city had made her eyes light up with joy. Skylar knew the blueprints before her, was her gift to the people of New York Island. She hoped they would agree.

The sound of a door creaking open behind her, shattered Skylar's thought. She glared her eyes away from the blueprints. Her eyes gazed up at the woman who stood before her.

Skylar smiled to greet her. "Hi Sue."

"Hi." Sue walked into the office with a smile on her face. "Skylar. How's the rebuilding efforts going?"

"Along." Skylar moved her fingertips along the surface of her desk. "We should be finished with the north reconstruction in a week."

Sue walked up to the chair before Skylar's desk. Taking a seat in the chair, Sue placed her hand up to her chin. Skylar had gotten used to seeing the look on her partner's face. She knew Sue was thinking about something.

"And what about that tower." Sue reminded her. "The one going up near Hoffman Park."

"We finished construction yesterday." Skylar smiled at her friend. "I'm not sure what you want that tower for. But it's live."

"Good news." Her partner's voice sounded excited. "DINA have a new project in the works. It's going live tomorrow."

"Would this be for one of those hero projects?" Skylar tried to keep an open mind. "Or for a new research project that my parents have asked for DINA to fund."

Sue smirked. "It's for a project we're working on." Pointing at the wristband around her arm with her eyes, Sue got Skylar's attention. "The non-bands were released before the disaster, a few weeks back." She reminded Skylar about the device. "They give us access to everyone's data."

"Including their genetic makeup." Skylar smiled. "I know. I helped design them."

"Something you are not aware of." Sue made a screen flicker before her band. She pulled up the genetic makeup of her son. "We are scouting for our next team of Non-Humans, who can save the world."

"If we need saving." Skylar looked at the genetic code before Sue's eyes. "Whose DNA do you have there?"

"My sons." Sue moved her hand, making her son's genetic makeup go away from her sight. "It makes scouting less of a pain."

"It's also an invasion of privacy." Skylar crossed her arms over her chest. "And I'm not saying this to sound dramatic, but isn't it illegal."

"You do know what DINA means." Sue raised her eyebrow. "Right?"

Skylar sighed. "The Department of International Non-Human Affairs."

"That's right." Sue reminded her partner. "We are run by the government, and all of our work has to do with making the world a better place. For both, non-humans and humans."

"Right." Skylar leaned forward on her desk. "What are you calling it?"

"Not sure yet." Sue leaned her head back. She thought about a name for the project. "My sons are working on it. What about the new DINA headquarters?"

"It's a little behind." Skylar looked at the screens before her eyes of the tower's blueprints. "Along with the new Jackson Research and Development Group's facility." She moved her hand across the screen, dismissing the blueprints before her. "We had to put them on hold to make the other tower finish within a reasonable time."

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