The first Maintenance

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  The casual atmosphere in the room changed drastically as we ate our final bites of our spaghetti supper Sir had cooked. "I would like you to wash all the dishes by hand, dry them, and put them away. Then i would like you to shower, shave, brush your teeth and meet me in my bedroom. For now you will have your own bedroom, that may change later, but maintenance will usually take place in my bedroom. i would like you to show up naked, with a wooden spoon of your choosing from the kitchen. When you enter my bedroom, you keep your eyes downward, and kneel in the corner with your hands behind your back holding the wooden spoon, nose stuffed in the corner as far as it will go until i call you over to me, is that understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Get to it then. you have 30 minutes to be in that corner." he said then left the room.

i grabbed all the dirty dishes and filled the sink with soapy water. i scrubbed them hard to make sure they were clean, then dried them and found where each dish belonged. Then raced to the shower and jumped in before the water had a chance to warm up. Thankfully S House kept us shaved so i didn't have much to do. i towel dried while brushing my teeth and my hair, then tied my hair into a french braid. Lastly i ran to the kitchen and grabbed a solid wooden spoon, and entered his room placing myself in the corner.

"Alright Eliana, come stand in front of me." i stood up and on shaky legs walked to him and stood between his legs, keeping my eyes down still. "pass me the wooden spoon and look at me." i obeyed. "Why are you about to get spanked?"

"it is a maintenance spanking sir."

"and what does that mean?"

"i did not do anything to directly deserve a punishment, it is more a way to ensure i stay on the right path."

"do you deserve this?"

"yes sir."

"how come?"

"because you said so sir."

"please drape yourself over my left knee." i lay down across his left knee, his right knee locking my legs in place. "Put your right hand behind your back." i was only 5'2" and my feet already couldn't reach the floor, so removing on of my hands off the floor made me feel unbalanced, but once my hand was on my back he used his left hand to intertwine my fingers with his, and kept a firm push on my back with his forearm to keep me firmly in place. "No need to count, crying is alright, begging will not stop me. ask for your spanking."

"p-please give me a good maintenance spanking," i choked out.

*crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack* he rained the wooden spoon on my unprepared bottom hard and fast. *crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack* left to right, top to bottom, covering every space of my poor bottom. *crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack* I tried to move my bottom out of the spoons way, but he had my small body locked so tight that i couldn't do anything but cry, and beg him to stop. *crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack* He finally stopped and i lay there, just bawling, waiting for him to release me. i was in for a surprise when he lifted his hand, and started with a new round, only on the backs of my thighs. *crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack crack*

"Alright Eliana, good girl. Go off and stand in the corner for a few minutes." i limped my way to the corner, i was about to rub my bottom when his voice boomed out. "rub that bottom and i will start again." i decided to keep my hands on my head to be safe. After a few minutes he came to get me, he grabbed my arm gently and led me to the kitchen. "Eliana what is this?" he pointed at the knife he had used to butter our garlic toast. It was by the butter container so i had missed it while washing the dishes. "You are lucky i am feeling generous since is the first night, next time i will spank you again, understand?"

"yes sir," i cried. He pulled me to the couch, and sat me on his lap, rubbing my back while i cried it out until i eventually fell asleep.

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