II.iv Yoonjin

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It's been two days since Yoongi took Jin's number and said goodbye, leaving a stunning Jin behind under the glow of a yellow street light which made him stand out from the deepening darkness of the late afternoon like an idol under a spotlight. That had been the best first date he had ever had — not that he had had that many to compare it to.

He felt so relaxed the whole time. He didn't need to put on an act or portray some perfect polished version of himself. He had tried to at first, purely out of habit, but soon found his mask falling away, displaced by the huge genuine smile that appeared underneath. He had been afraid that he would lose Jin, like he lost the others, as a result of his flaws. But Jin had quickly differentiated himself from those Yoongi had dated before. 

Jin hadn't waited expectantly for Yoongi to speak as if the latter had to prove his worth. Jin hadn't put on a polite smile and fixed him with probing eyes as if he was trying to get something from him. Jin hadn't merely offered up a meek patronising giggle when Yoongi made a joke or shared a story. 

Yoongi's time with Jin hadn't felt like a transaction. And that was new. That was nice. He could get used to that. 

Yet, Yoongi hadn't contacted Jin since that day. Even though they are soulmates and it is extremely unlikely that Jin would reject him, especially considering the overwhelming success of their first date, he couldn't help the nagging voice in his head telling him he wasn't good enough. After all, Jin is a lot to lose.

Lying in bed, painted by the golden light of the early morning, Yoongi is torn. He's tempted to preserve his untainted track record with Jin by not reaching out so as to never give Jin a chance to decide he's not worth it. On the other hand, he thinks he's starting to experience depressive withdrawal symptoms from the lack of Jin's scent of blanketing comfort. 

Usually, at this time, Yoongi's mind would be running at a hundred miles an hour, driven by anxiety over having so much untouched schoolwork which had been piling up as he allocated way too much time to his music, having been stuck in a rut recently. But now, the whirlwind in his brain seems to have frozen in time, the only activity being the thoughts circling glamorously around all things Jin.  He might have a good idea for a new song too.

That reminds him that he really wants to show Jin his music, but is it too early for that? His songs lay out all his struggles and flaws. Showing Jin his music would be like baring his throat, taking the risk of being torn apart in hopes that Jin would accept him, imperfections and all. Strangely, Yoongi is excited by this thought. If Jin could accept his music, Yoongi had nothing to fear. 

Compelled by this incredible thought, Yoongi finally sent Jin a message: Are you free for lunch? Six hours later the soulmates were reunited, discussing the drama Jin had been watching. 'Discussing' as in, Jin is trying to explain the wild and intricate plot to Yoongi who furrows his eyebrows and lets his mouth hang open slightly in confusion, making Jin laugh so hard his skin flushes red.

Yoongi hasn't learned a single thing about the drama. What he has learnt though, is that it is very gratifying to watch Jin eat. Jin eats the fried chicken so deliciously that Yoongi feels full just from watching him eat. He doesn't feel like eating much anyway what with his stomach churning with nervousness about what he's about to ask. 

"Anyway, that guy's not so important. Right now the focus is on how the heir is going to take over the throne. You should watch it, it's really fun," Jin ended his narration, his laughter dying down as he eats more chicken.

"Maybe I will," Yoongi obliges noncommittally. He gathers up his courage in the beat of silence that follows. "Do you wanna come over to my dorm for a while when we're done?"

"Sure! As long as we go to my dorm next time. Then I can show you my dramas," Jin decides happily. Well, that went a lot smoother than Yoongi thought it would.

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