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My name is Autumn. I am 17 years old and I just graduated from Westview High. My birthday is in the summer so my birthday is in two months. My boyfriend's name Cole. We've been dating since sophomore year, so I guess that makes us high school sweethearts. I have 4 best friends; Summer: 17, Skye:18, Brooke:18 and Brandon:18. We've been best friends since freshmen year. My parents are big part in my life. They love and support me always. A lot of people say I have the perfect life, especially because I got a scholarship to one of the best fine arts universities. I won't say I have a PERFECT life, but it's a pretty good one. When I was younger, I thought I had the WORST life ever. I transferred between schools in elementary and in junior high. I didn't have a hard time making friends. Making enemies was just easy. I was bullied for being the new kid. Sometimes a teacher would laugh along with the girls who made fun of me. As I got older, I grew confident and started defending myself. Since then, I haven't been bullied. I'm pretty sure people still talked bad about me behind my back, but I didn't let it get to me. I wasn't popular. Those were the ones that bullied me. I was a people person. I was the one that was nice and friendly to everyone. Even tough I wasn't the one being bullied, doesn't mean I was the one bullying. The girls (and boys) of the populars, bullied. I was the one who helped the people getting bullied. I stood up for them. I know how it feels to go through that and I didn't want anyone else to be put through that. So I always did was right and stood up for them. I guess you can say I'm a hero. Just kidding don't call me that. But seriously, that's my life. What it's been and what it is. I'm done with high school and ready for the real world!

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