Its All Starting......

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Overall, dinner was great! There were a few things that had me suspicious, but I was too happy to care. I love my friends, and being with them and Cole all together is just the best thing ever. It was around 6 in the morning when I woke up. Its now, 7:15, and I just remembered that I don't have a roommate. I think that's a bummer, because I was really looking foward to meeting new people. A roommate would've been the start of that. I take a quick shower because I have breakfast with Cole at eight. I put on something cute but comfortable and cool, since it's still summer and hot outside. I let my hair air dry, to its natural waves. Just as I'm putting on my shoes, there's a knock at the door. "Who is it?" I say loud enough for the person behind the door to hear. "The luckiest guy on earth because he has you as a girlfriend." The person says. Cole. "I'm coming!" I say, tying my shoe. I get up and open the door. I see Cole standing there with his perfect hair, like always. He's amazing. Sorry, I'm gushing over him aren't I? Oops. I smile at him and he does the same. "There she is!" he says as he reaches to pick me up. I laugh and hit his back begging for him to put me down. He sets me down in front of him. He looks at me with those amazing eyes. I melt inside. I smile and look down, noticing that I am blushing. " You're so beautiful." he says to me. I get butterflies and smile. "Thanks, not so bad yourself." I say with a little giggle. " I love you." he says. " I love you too." I say. " So are you ready to go, or am I early?" Early? He's never early, on time, yes, but never early. "No, I'm ready. Where are we going?" I ask. "Your favorite place to eat breakfast." He answers. Denny's is my favorite place to eat breakfast. I love their hash browns. "Denny's?" I ask, just to be sure. He nods. I love how he know me so well. I grab my phone and Cole's hand, and we head out the door. We walk out to the parking lot. Cole sees his car and runs over to the passenger door. He puts his hand on the door handle but doesn't open the door. Instead, he turns around and smiles at me. "Miss Autumn. Your ride awaits you." he says formally. "Thank you." I say simply and return the smile.  He opens the door and gestures for me to get in. I do what he gestures, and get in the car.

We had an amazing time at Denny's. I had the all you can eat pancake special. Yeah, I ate more than Cole did. He kept making me laugh, with his stupid faces. Cole is driving me to my parents' house to pick up my car. I glance at Cole while he's driving. He's looks so intense and calm. Finally, we arrive at my parents house. I get out of the car and walk to the door, with Cole trailing behind me. I open the door with my keys and walk in. "Hello? Mom? Dad?" I say, loud enough for them to hear if they are here. No answer. Hmm... Where did they go? "I don't think they're here." Cole says. "Yeah, they probably went out for breakfast." I say and nod. I didn't tell them I would come to pick up my car. I wanted to suprise them. Even though, I have only been gone for a couple of days. I walk around the house, going into every room. No one. Okay, then. I walk in the kitchen. Cole is still in the living room, looking at his phone. He looks worried and angry at the same time. I remember that look. He would have that look every time we saw my friends somewhere. They used to get along, but then something happened and now, they don't like to talk or acknowledge each other much. He looks up from his phone and gives me a smile. Not a genuine smile, but a weak smile. Like he's worried I might be suspicious of something. But what? How could I be suspicious if he's been normal? Does he have something to hide? I think I'm over-thinking it all. I grab two water bottles from the fridge and walk over to Cole. He sees me coming and quickly puts his phone in his pocket. That's weird. I hand him the water bottle and open mine. "Anything wrong?" I ask. Now I'm suspicious. He shakes his head. "No. Why?" He says. "Oh, just wondering 'cause you looked worried... and angry... frantic, even." I answer his question, slowly. I do this when I'm trying to get the truth out of someone. It usually works because they think I'm onto them. I make them nervous. It's fun, sometimes. "No, not worried or angry or frantic...." he replies. I nod slowly. He's looking anywhere but at me directly. Finally, he makes eye contact."Hey, are you gonna be okay here by yourself? I gotta go meet up with a friend at the campus." he says to me. What? Is that what he's been worried about? No, it can't be. He's always asked me if he could hang out with a friend. This time is different. I furrow my eyebrows. "Umm... yeah, I'll be okay. I'll be leaving in a bit." I answer, as if I hadn't noticed anything. He smiles and leans down to kiss me. And he does. I kiss back. It doesn't last very long, when he pulls away. "I love you." He says before he leaves."I love you, too." I say, just as he was closing the door. There is more to this, I know it. I'm gonna find out just exactly what it is.

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