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|{Sweet As Oak}|

You wake up in a cold sweat and have the alcohol fully consume you from last night. You feel the biggest rush of nausea hit you. You run to the bathroom.

You don't remember anything from last night. It scares you. What did you do? You felt horrible and awfully sick. It wasn't just that though, there was another feeling. Your lower stomach hurt, a pain you would never forget.

You look down and notice your completely naked. You widen your eyes and run back into your room grabbing a bra and panties to quickly put on.

After you finally get them on you fall to the ground in pain clenching your lower stomach. Tears leave your eyes. You can hear Jimin calling for you but you can't come. It hurts to much. Although you just might be acting over dramatic but your pain tolerance isn't very strong.

You hear a knock on your door. Jimin hurriedly enters the room when he doesn't hear a response from you. "Y/n what happened?" He asked rushing over to you.

"I-it's hurts." You stutter out and he places his hand by your lower stomach, rubbing it slightly.

You could tell Jimin was having a bad hangover. His hair was messy and he was in 'lazy clothes'.

"I should've watched over you better last night." He said disappointed. "W-What do you mean?" You ask.

"I heard it hurts bad the next day when a girl loses her virg-" Your cry gets louder cutting him off, "No, no it can't be I . . ." Jimin sighs to himself feeling horrible. "It should've been me." He mumbled to himself. You didn't hear.

"I'm going to try and change, I-I'll be out." You say and he nods leaving your room.

You brush your hair back with your hands as your head continues to pound. "Ugh what did I do?" You say to yourself slowly moving to get changed.

Eventually you could start dealing with the pain a little more and leave your room. You sit at the dining table and Jimin puts food in front of you, sitting across.

"Can't you remember anything from last night?" He asked and you shake your head. "Don't you remember me at any point in time?" You asked and he nodded.

"We were playing truth or dare and then you left, avoiding a question." He said and memories started to flood back.

Your eyes get watery again, "Yoongi . . ." The one and only name leaves your lips but silently.

"What was that?" Jimin asked unable to hear. "I-I have to go somewhere." You say. "But your in pain, let me take care of you." He suggested.

"I shouldn't be your problem, thank you for everything though." You speak slowly and get up heading for the door ignoring the aching pain. You make your way to Yoongi's cafe.

You didn't exactly regret what happened it's just. You rather have him when you're sober. You enter the little cafe greeted by a worker, "What is it you need ma'am?" She asked.

"May I please speak to your manager."

"Oh there's no need." She frantically replied. You laugh a little, "Oh it's not about you I just need to see him." You spoke and she nodded heading to the back.

Yoongi comes out following behind her. He softly smiles once he sees you but he couldn't hide his little blush. He comes up to you. "Yes?" He spoke softly.

"C-can I talk to you?" You ask a little to seriously soon making his little smile disappear. "Sure." He grabbed your hand and led you to the back.

"Y/n I didn't expec-"

"Why did you do it?" You asked. The way your expressing it to him isn't exactly how you feel. He couldn't answer, he didn't know what to think or feel. He just knew that, that was the happiest moment for him ever.

You sigh, "I'm sorry Yoongi, I just really wish I would've been sober." You state. "Do you regret it?" He asked with pleading eyes.

"No, not at all." You spoke clearly and his light smile appeared again. You smiled to him, "Although you owe me."

"What did I do?" He pouted. "Thanks to you my stomach hurt, so now you have to buy me ice cream." He giggles, "Just promise me one thing."

"Mhm." You nod. "Let's keep this to ourselves." He says, just like he did before. "A promise is a promise."


"Y/n-ah, come get me!" You chase around the boys playfully. High school finally coming close to an end. It was hopefully going to be like this forever. You run up to Taehyung and tag him, "No tag backs!" You shout and run off.

All the boys were chasing each other around but Yoongi was peacefully reading behind the old oak tree. You leave the boys behind and go find him.

"Hey Yoons!" You said all of a sudden making him jump. "Ah Y/n you scared me!" You giggle and sit down next to him. "Whatcha reading?" You ask and he hides the book.

"Fine don't share." You say with a pout like tone. "Too bad I'll have to find out myself." You said reaching over him, trying to grab the book he tried to hide by the side of him.

As you try to reach, his lips touch yours. Your not shocked by this. You've been at the same tree since you were little and every time you kissed there it seemed to get just a little bit more heated.

When young it was a peck on the cheek or forehead. Early high school years it became the lips and now, well it's different. . .

You pull away for air and he smiles, "Remember to keep this to ourselves."

"Yoongi I don't understand why we don't just tell them." You say confused.

"They'll be jealous." You smile at him and peck his lips. You instantly get up and run away from the tree, "Better catch me if you can!" You yell running off. He chases behind you, "Oh I will!"

*End Of Flashback*

"One more thing." You say to Yoongi and he hums waiting for your response.

"Let's go back to the tree."

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