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"So what did Hoseok and you do when you guys hung out?" Namjoon asked curiously.

"Well he helped me calm down." The more you have these encounters with them, the easier it is to lie. You sat in front of the boys, legs crossed as they tried to apologize. Their apology was horrible but it was more decent than you expected.

You knew they wouldn't stay mad at you long. Especially with what it seems that they expect from you. You don't get shy this time around and continuously make eye contact with everyone in the room. They all were standing as you remained seated.

"Just please stay safe." Jimin spoke out of nowhere. Stay safe from what? Vernon and Jackson were not terrifying. They were your friends and if the guys had a problem with that then they should shut up or stop hanging out with you altogether.

You could never give up your lives with these guys that you've grown up with and looked up to. Too many great memories with them to let it all go, but if they want to change and act this way then maybe it wouldn't be so bad . . .

"I'm glad that you care and all, but I will continue to hang out with who I please." You said while slowing uncrossing your legs and standing up.

"Where did all this confidence come from?" Namjoon spoke with a slight snicker. You softly smiled to him. "What confidence?" You said acting stupid. "I'm just saying what needs to be said." You confirmed.

"I love a good character growth." Jin says with a chuckle as he looks at you. You furrow your brows to him as his words left you wondering what was going on in that mind of his.

"Well let's go to Uni!" Taehyung yelled happily as if nothing happened whatsoever, and you gave in easily with a smile as he did exactly what you wanted. He grabs your hand and shows you along with him as Jungkook follows.

"Stay safe!" Hoseok yelled as Taehyung practically pulled you. You looked back to see Yoongi having a different stare on you than the others. It seemed as if your idea wasn't going as planned.


"It's great to have you guys at school." You said sulking up to Taehyung and Jungkook so they don't take the blow to the head to difficult. You'll obviously be wanting to hang out with Jackson and Vernon and if they continue to act so clingy it will be almost impossible.

"DUH, we are the 21 squad." Jungkook said happily and you looked at him a little funny. "You made us a group?" You asked with a soft giggle and Jungkook nodded happily.

"He is incorrect, remember I turned 22 a little while back." Taehyung said making Jungkook go from ecstatic to extremely depressed.

Jungkook frowned and punched Taehyung in the shoulder. "Don't ruin my fun."

"Ouchie!" Taehyung whined and punched Jungkook back, but Jungkook being Jungkook wasn't affected by his hyung's hit. "Why are you so strong!?" Taehyung pouts while complaining.

"Alright that's enough, get to class!" Jin yells at them as he exits his room, starting an unnecessary scene. That's Jin for you though. Everyone around Jungkook, Taehyung and you begin to get to their classes as they also wanted to avoid being yelled at.

Some stayed because they would've loved to get attention from their attractive teacher.

Jungkook and Taehyung began their way to their first hour class that was Jin's. You were about to follow them until Jin stops you as he stands in front of you. He looks around to make sure no ones in the hall.

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