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|{Set Back}|

"You're so red, so much for that character growth." Taehyung said teasing you as you guys were leaving the closet. You felt flustered but kind of the opposite too. On one side you were annoyed with Taehyung but on the other you were blushing profusely.

You really hope there were no cameras in there. If there was you were for sure kicked out of college and you'd have no choice but to move away and find a new college. Doesn't sound too bad with the current situation, but you could never leave Jackson and Vernon. Even if the guys may be untrustworthy you still love them all and Jimin is your family.

"Stop that- it's your fault I'm going to be late to class." You said complaining while straightening out your clothing again. Your hair was disheveled and so was Taehyung's and you did miss sliding your fingers through his soft locks. You couldn't deny Taehyung looked hot as hell with his hair messed up.

"I didn't see you complaining when I made you cum five times." He chuckled with a cocky tone, leaving you with nothing to say as he was right. You loved it. You've never came that many times in a day before, which kind of left you feeling sickly, but you still utterly enjoyed it.

You both had completely lost track of time and your last class together ended before you guys finished your business. Since it was now almost closing in on lunch hour.

Students start discarding the classrooms and you were thankful that you didn't have to go to class with Taehyung since your fellow peers and professors would definitely know what happened. You guys both just scream sex.

"Y/n, Tae!" Jungkook yelled while waving a hand in the air as he came up to you both. "We should all go meet Jiminie, he's on break." Jungkook continued to say excitedly. You smiled to them, "Lets go."

There is definitely a plus when having Jungkook and Taehyung here with you. Jungkook can drive and has a car so you don't have to take the shuttle, or walk.

Jungkook pulls up to your home and you questioned it. Why couldn't you guys go get food or something? You're starving.

You follow behind them into the house and you smell burning. Ah that's why. Jimin must of insisted to cook. The guys go and sit at the table and sit back, relaxing. You stand beside Jimin and look at what he's making.

"Well it doesn't smell as burnt as usual, you're improving!" You teased and Jimin made a raspberry sound and you over-dramatically gasped. "I thought you were getting better, you just contaminated our food!" You continued to act out like you were in distress, obviously Jimin could see right through your fake persona and smirked.

"I sure did contaminate it, want a taste?" He asked and you made a disgusted face to him. He laughed and moved his lips to yours, kissing you deeply. Your eyes widened and you pulled him away and he laughed at your expression.

"Relax it's just Tae and Kook." He said and you looked over, they obviously saw you both kiss but they went back to their own conversation. It left you so confused and you felt like you were betraying everyone. You were being a hoe and you knew that. Not to mention you are family.

"I'm gonna take a shower." You said while you slowly backed away from Jimin. Feeling uncomfortable and awfully weird. He could obviously sense this from you and grabbed your wrist stopping you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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