all the angels

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this one was kinda hard to write.

TBP gerard (w silver hair) & frnk (w long black hair)


look at him, hes so beautiful.

his black hair falling so gently against his skin.

his hazel eyes shut, sleep taking over his body.

i can't leave him like this, i can't leave without letting him know.

without letting him know the truth.

he needs to understand, he needs to know what hes done to me.

i've decided i'll write a note.

its 5 am, the sun will be up soon.

i need to go.

but i need to write first.

i begin to write.


you look beautiful when you're asleep, not that you don't look beautiful in general.

last night was a dream come true for me, from you opening the passenger door from you taking me to your home and playing me a song.

some times i think that all the angels in the sky would envy you.

sometimes i think they don't.

however, you yourself are an angel.

you're my angel.

sometimes i feel i can't live without you, as if you are the breath of air that never leaves my lungs.

you are the tingle in my stomach when i listen to my favorite song.

you are the sun that shines above me.

you, are the reason i'm here.

and you are the reason im doing this.

all the angels in the sky will cry when they meet you in heaven one day, they'll weep at the thought that earth lost its most beautiful flower.

but you are no where near death.

you are life itself.

you are an angel.

they're all to blame for the world being so ugly.

the angels.

they are the reason that people kill, the reason people steal, the reason people don't give up on ruining the beauty of life.

you are the only beauty in my life.


all lives come to an end.

i hope to see you again one day, to hold you and keep you safe.

im sorry that this ugly world had ruined me.

but when i go to heaven, there is only one reason why.

and you, are all to blame.

i love you.



part two?

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