Part 5

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Hopes POV

After school I go to my room and lay down in bed deciding to take a nap before me and Josie hang out.

When I wake up I look at the time and it's only 6:30. Wait what I only have 30 minutes till Josie gets here? I quickly get up and get changed into a blue shirt and some shorts. I figured since we are just chilling I don't have to dress that nice. I'm just trying to be comfortable. After I'm done getting dressed I brush out my hair and re-apply a little bit of makeup. When I'm done with all of that I only have a couple minutes until Josie gets here so I make my bed and pull up Netflix on my laptop. I soon here a soft knock on my door and open it to find Josie standing there looking so cute. She's wearing something similar to me except a yellow shirt but it looks so much better on her. I look down at her gorgeous legs. There is nothing that is not perfect about this girl. I look up and see Josie blushing which immediately makes my face redden as well.

After a couple of minutes of zoning out I snap out of it and invite her into my room.

Josie's POV

As I see that it is about time for me to make my way to Hope's room I get up smoothing out my comfy yellow shirt and my shorts. As I make my way to Hope's room I get a little nervous because I know that tonight is the night I need to tell her how I feel. As I reach her door I give it a quiet knock before she opens it. I cannot believe that she makes even a basic outfit look so good. When I am done checking her out I look up to see her checking me out so I blush. When she looks up at me she starts blushing too. We stand there for a minute before she invites me into her room.

She sits down on the bed and pats the space next to me signaling that I should sit down. Once we are both in a comfortable position on the bed Hope turns to me and asks " hey so what movie do you want to watch?"

I think for a moment before replying  "can we watch Harry Potter please?" With a pout.

She just laughs and says "yes dork we can watch Harry Potter"

I just giggle and she starts the movie.

We cuddle through most of the movie and I'm honestly sad when it's over and she has to move the computer because that means she won't be next to me anymore. After she is done putting the computer up she looks at the time and then me before saying "it's only 9 and curfew starts at 10 so we can hang out for a little it longer before you have to go"

I just smile and reply " Yeah ok cool"

I first ask her if she had a good first day and she says that she has.

Hope sighs before telling me " Hey so at breakfast Mg and Kaleb we're actually arguing about something that Kaleb wasn't supposed to tell me."

I'm quickly confused as to why they would lie about it and so I decide to ask her " What was Kaleb not supposed to tell you?"

She look at the ground and then back up at me before saying " Well apparently Mg thinks that you could have a crush on me. Do you?"

I look at her before looking down and responding "Yeah I do". I'm so nervous about what she is going to say so I start rambling about how it's ok if she doesn't feel the same way but I am shut up when Hope grabs my chin and pulls my face up to meet hers.

Hope's POV

Oh my gosh. Josie likes me?? How is that possible? I'm so zoned out that I cannot respond yet so Josie starts rambling but I'm tired of her talking so I shut her up by pulling up her face to meet mine before slowly leaning in to kiss her. It wasn't exactly like they say in the fairytales it wasn't what you would call perfect but it was perfect to me. And I hope it was for her too.

As I pull away I smile at her saying "I like you too Jo"

She smiles before kissing me again. Kissing her just feels so right. We soon pull away and smile at each other before cuddling again, talking about random stuff, and sharing some small kisses. We soon both fall asleep in each other's arms.

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