Part 7

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Hope's POV

I begin to get ready for me and Josie's date at 4. I curl my hair and put on makeup as usual. I then decided that I am going to wear a white shirt with a jean jacket over it and a black skirt. Once I am done getting ready it's about 4:45. I've already got everything ready for the date except one thing and I guess I'll do that now.

Josie's POV

I started get ready for my date at 4:30 because I already curled my hair earlier. I wore a comfortable short blue dress with some white vans. I've texted Hope all day asking her what we would be doing but she won't budge. Lizzie has been gone all day too and I've been texting her but she says she is just studying. After I am all done getting ready I hear a knock on my door and open it to find a beautiful Hope Mikaelson on the other side. She looks absolutely stunning.

I look her up and down and then I look at her but she is still checking me out. I lightly giggle at her cuteness bringing her back to reality. She quickly blushes and says "You look perfect. And these are for you" while handing me a bouquet of flowers.

I smile at her and say a quick "thank you Hope but you look amazing as well"

We both just smile at each other before she takes my hand with one of her hands and hands me a blindfold with the other. I look at her confused and she just says "trust me ok?"

I just nod putting on the blindfold and let her guide me. After about 5 minutes of walking she lets go of my hand and goes behind me slowly removing the blindfold.

As I open my eyes I am met with the old mill but beautifully decorated. I look around in amazement. There are cool lanterns, fairy lights, blankets, and pillows scattered all across the mill. I look at Hope who is just looking at me with a smile.

I look at her and say "how did you do all this?"

She just laughs and says "I'm glad you like it but you haven't even seen the best part yet"

I look at her confused as she grabs me hand and drags me to the middle of the mill where I see all my favorite snacks under a blanket fort.

"So do you like it?" Hope asks me with a hint of worry in her eye.

I'm quick to tell her "yes of course I love it. This is the best and sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. I don't know how you did all of this though."

"Well I may have had a little help from Mg and Lizzie" she says still with a huge smile on her face.

I then come to a realization "oh so this is where Lizzie was all day"

"Yep she really helped me out" Hope replies.

"Well it looks amazing so what are we going to do?" I question.

"Well I was thinking we could talk and get to know each other better until the sun sets" Hope says.

I reply with "yeah that's perfect"

So that's what we did we talked and it was great until I asked a question that made Hope sad.

I asked her "so what were your parents like?" Everyone knows what happened to Hope's parents and her uncle and they knew it was a sore subject but my curiosity got the best of me.

Her smile immediately fell and she looked really sad.

I felt so bad so I started apologizing like crazy until she stopped me by saying "it's ok Josie I'll tell you what they were like"

I look at her, shocked that she would actually open up to me.

She starts by talking about her mom and how she was a bad ass but also so sweet and loving. I just smile and listen as Hope describes her to me. She then starts talking about her dad.

She says "I know everyone thinks of him as a bad guy but he did have good in him. He was so kind and caring to me. Don't get me wrong I know he did a lot of horrible things in his life but it wasn't all bad. There were good things. Like family dinners and holidays. I just love and miss him so much"

That's when I see her shed her first tear. I immediately pull her into a hug which she reciprocates. As I pull away she looks me in the eyes and says "thank you for listening Jo"

I just smile and say "I'll always be there for you and I wish I could've met them"

"They would have loved you" she says.

I just smile and give her a small peck before looking up to see the sun is about to set. I grab Hope's hand pulling her to the upstairs of the mill where there is a blanket to sit on. We sit down and I put my head on her shoulder as we watch the sunset together before heading back to the school. We hold hands and walk in a comfortable silence the whole way back. When we get to my room I stop and say " thank you for an amazing date I loved it"

"Yeah of course and I loved it too" Hope responds.

I smile and kiss her again this one a bit longer. We both pull away smiling. She turns slightly and says "I'll text you goodnight and I'll see you tomorrow"

"Ok. Bye Hope" I say and walk into my room.

Hope wasn't kidding when she said she would text me goodnight because as I was getting ready for bed I get a cute little goodnight text with a heart. I smile and send her the same thing before heading to bed while still smiling at the memories of the date.

I also wanted to say a few things.
1. Thank everyone so much for 1k reads it means a lot to me.
2. Black lives matter and you need to do what you can to help out this movement. Even if that is just signing a petition, it's better then being silent and doing nothing.
3. Happy pride month 🌈🏳️‍🌈🎉
4. I hope everyone is staying safe.

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