Part 8

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The next morning
Hope's POV

I wake up to the sun shining on my face. I look at my clock and I have about an hour to get ready for school so I get up. After I am done getting dressed I get up and head up the cafeteria. I am looking everywhere for Josie but I don't see her so I just sit with Lizzie instead.

"Hey Lizzie" I say as I approach the table.

She asks "Hey Hope. How was the date last night? I was in the library until late last night and when I got to the room Josie was already asleep. Plus she was still asleep this morning after I left."

I respond with "Oh it went really well I had a lot of fun. Thanks for helping out"

Lizzie says "Yeah no problem I see the way you guys look at each other. Just don't break her heart Mikaelson or I swear I will-"

I interrupt her by saying "I won't break her heart I really like her"

Lizzie just smiles as I here someone talking behind me saying "I really like you too Hope"

I turn around and see Josie and I immediately get super embarrassed and I get all red. She just smiles and sit next to me, holding my hand. I just smile back at her and we go back to talking to Lizzie.

The rest of breakfast is pretty normal we just talk about stuff like school. After breakfast ends I walk Josie to her class with us still holding hands. Once we get to her class she gives me a peck on the cheek and says" see you later" with a wink.

I start walking to my class still blushing. The class is pretty boring and I just talk to Raf the whole time like usual. After class I walk to my next class and sit next to Josie like usual. She just smiles at me as the teacher starts talking.

"We have a couple of students who are new to our class" the teacher explains.

As she's done explaining she jesters over to where the students are standing I turn to look and the 'new' students are Ethan and Maya. I look at them both and then my eyes go to Maya who is staring at me. She just winks and I blush a little before turning to Josie who is giving Maya a death glare. I think it's kind of funny that she's jealous but she really doesn't need to be. I put my hand on her thigh making her look at me. I mouth to her 'are you ok?' She just nods.

"You can sit down now" the teacher explains to the siblings.

Maya sits next to me and Ethan sits next to her. Maya turns to me and says "if I would've known you were in this class I would have transferred sooner"

I just respond with "umm I already like someone so"

"Well I can change that" she says.

"No you can't. She is the best person I've ever met. She is so beautiful and kind and I'm so amazed ghat someone that perfect could like me back" I reply.

She doesn't respond and just looks forward. I turn and look at Josie who is smiling at me. I just grab her hand and go back to listening to the teacher.

The rest of the day goes by pretty slowly. Oh and me and Josie are going to hang out tonight in my room. We're probably going to watch some movies and stuff so that will be fun.

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