Date Is A Go !!

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Few hours had passed and Shadow was at his house, getting ready for the big date he has with Sonic. He washed and blow-dried his quills, and brushed them more than 30 times to make his quills straight. He heard his phone ring and his hair stood end, the phone startling him to death. He goes to his phone to answer who it was. It was Sonic. Shadow took a deep breath and answered the call. "Hello?"
"Hey Shads !! Are you ready to go? I'm literally standing in front of your door." Sonic asked laughing. This made Shadow gasp a little. "Just...give me a few minutes Sonic, I'll be right out-" Shadow said as he put on his shoes, heading outside. Shadow then opened the door, going max speed, almost falling. Sonic ran over there and caught Shadow, his hands firmly on his back. Shadow looked into Sonic's green emerald eyes. Sonic blushed and helped Shadow get back on his feet. Shadow sighed and blushed. "'s not like I needed your help anyways-"
Sonic laughed a bit. "It's no biggie-! So, where is this Skating Rink?" he asked.
"Like I said before, it should be around Tails' house. I really hope I'm not wrong." Shadow said. Sonic nodded. "Wanna race there?" Sonic said smirking, probably doing a jojo pose. Shadow smirked. "Oh? Is that a challenge faker?"
"I'm afraid so-" Sonic said chuckling. He got a head start. "No fair you're cheating!" Shadow skated to catch up to Sonic. Sonic laughed. "Life is full of surprises, Shads, and you gotta take that surprise!" He said in the distance. Soon they reached the rink and Sonic got there before Shadow...because he cheated. "Hahaha, I win!" Sonic triumphed in his own victory. Shadow finally caught up with him. "That's only because you cheated you selfish hog-" he said teasingly.
"Awww, what's wrong Shadow? Still salty that you didn't beat me~?"
"I will kill you Sonic."
"Ok ok, i'll stop!, wanna go in and have fun?" Sonic asked.
Shadow nodded and he went to open the door for Sonic. "After you, Sonic~"
"Wow! What a gentleman! Thank you Shadow!" Sonic said giggling. God, Sonic was such a dork and Shadow absolutely loved him for that. They went inside the rink and the rink was full of arcade games and there was a big rink in the middle of it. There were lots of people(?) there and songs were playing in the background. Sonic and Shadow go up to the retailer, asking them for their skates. The retailer gave them the skates, and they went to put them on. "So, do you wanna play the games first or skate?" Shadow asked him. Sonic kinda had a hard time trying to keep his balance, but he can get it. "Let's play the games first, they seem more fun!" Sonic said.

Shadow agreed and they went to play the basketball game. Shadow puts a ring in the slot to get the game going. The ball rolled over to them and Sonic grabbed the ball and went to aim at the basket. Shadow looked at him. "Just take your time and shoot-" Shadow said. Sonic nodded, taking a breath and shooting the ball. He made it! This made Sonic bounce up and down. "Oh My God!! Did you see that?! I made the basket! Two points baby!" Sonic cheered. He was so happy. Shadow scoffed. "Oh trust me, I can do better than that- watch me." Shadow said he goes to make a basket like Sonic. "Boom. Two Points."
Sonic laughed. "Alright Mr. Hotshot- let's try this-" Sonic said as he stood 5 feet away from the basket. He shoots it and he makes it. "Ha! Try th-"
Shadow uses his chaos control, putting the ball in the basket. Sonic ears twitched out of slight irritation. He then trampled Shadow. "Stop cheating stupid!" he said, sticking his tongue out and slightly pulling Shadow's ear with his mouth. Shadow blushed and laughed. "REVENGE!" Shadow yelled out. Sonic laughed too and let go of Shadow. Soon they finished their game and they won a teddy bear, but Shadow gave it to Sonic. They then saw the skating rink. "Ready to skate now?" Shadow said. Sonic's smile then melted away as he rubs his arm awkwardly. "Sonic?" Shadow looked at Shadow with worry. "U-um....funny story, I literally have no idea how to skate, because all I literally know how to do is run..." Sonic said out of embarrassment. Shadow looked at Sonic for a minute, and then smiled a little, gently grabbing Sonic's hand. "I'll teach you....the safe word is red ok?" Shadow said.

Sonic smiled and had a little confidence now since Shadow was going to help him skate. They both got on the skating rink and Sonic was a bit wobbly. Shadow went over and gently put his hands on Sonic's waist. "See? I got are ok." Shadow said as he looked at Sonic. Sonic blushed hard and nodded. "Now, move your feet back and forth...kinda like running, but you are gliding them. What would help me is imagine you're up on a cloud. Feel how light you are in your mind." Sonic closed his eyes and imagined himself on a cloud. He then slowly moves his feet and glides them. "There you got it-" Shadow said quietly. Sonic smiled a little, opened his eyes. Shadow then slowly lets go of him, Sonic skating by himself. Sonic was actually skating on his own. "Look Shadow!! I'm doing it!" Sonic said as he skated back to Shadow. "See? It wasn't that hard was it?" Shadow said, smiling. Then a song started to play on the overhead. "Alright boys and girls, get with a buddy or partner because this is a slow dance."
The light dimmed down as the song started to play. The song was 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran. Shadow blushed a little as he took Sonic's hand and put it on his shoulder. Sonic puts his hands on his shoulders and Shadow wraps his arms around his lover's waist...again. They started to slow dance to the music. Shadow loves Sonic a lot and he would do absolutely anything for him. Soon, the song was over and Sonic looked at him. "Wow, that song was ama-"
Shadow caught Sonic off-guard by kissing him out of nowhere. Sonic blushed hard and then he pulled Shadow away. "Shadow..."
Shadow gasped. "O-oh god...what have I done..." Shadow immediately skated out with the roller skates. "Shadow, come back!" Sonic ran after him. While he was running, questions started to swarm around his mind. Did Shadow like him? Why did Shadow kiss him? Is that why he set him up on this date? He had so many questions for Shadow, and he needed to find him. He hopes that Shadow didn't do too far or got himself lost. 'Shadow...I hope you aren't too afraid to talk to me when I find you....' Sonic then ran faster in the woods to find Shadow.


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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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