The pregnecy test

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Mina: -checks her period tracking app for fun-
-sees she hasn't had her period in 78 days and starts to get scared she's pregnant but then realised she hasn't done 'it' yet-

Mina: MUM!!!!

Momo: -walks in- yea Mina

Mina: I haven't had my period for a few months...
-Mina has also gotten really bad cramps and is vomiting everything she puts in her stomach-

Momo: I'll be right back- walks out-

Momo: here follow the instructions and pee on this -hands her a pregnancy test-

Mina: I'm not pregnant

Momo: just do it

Mina: fine

-awhile later-

Mina: I'm not pregnant

Momo: okay then let's go to the doctors

-after 4 blood tests and having to explain not having your period to a MALE doctor-

Doctor: she has to she a dietitian for the vomiting but other then that she's fine

So this happened to my on Friday, also being sick sucks😑

Mina: me

Momo: my mum

Doctor: the poor doctor that had to listen to my screaming while they took my blood...and also had to deal with the fact I fainted and pushed the needle in more and ripped some skin

Let's just say I REALLY don't like needles... but on the plus side I'm not pregnant, also I'm like 13 so having a child would be horrible

Sorry for not updating a lot I've been caught up planning a yeah

I hope you have and amazingly awesome day/night and if anyone needs someone to talk to I'm here!!

Also thanks for reading!!

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