Chapter 25

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            Looking around the room she was in, Rika noticed the guards ringing the room first. Guards all holding pikes, swords, or crossbows. And all of them had the weapons pointed at her, destroying any hope she had of fighting her way out. The person, Rika assumed he was a transport mage, was already backing away from her in a hurry. She fought back her fear, knowing there was no way she was going to be able to force him to bring her back to the camp. She was on her own.

            Ignoring the guards for the moment, she couldn’t do anything about them and they didn’t look like they were going to move, she studied the room she was in. The whole place was lit by equally spaced lanterns, each of them gilded. The dark red walls were kept from being completely somber with the yellow designs painted on top. The floor, a yellow flecked white stone, was mostly covered by a rug done in fire colours. Across from her a fireplace held a crackling fire, two chairs and a couch facing it.

            The sound of a door opening drew Rika’s attention. She watched as four guards separated themselves from their comrades to surround the man approaching her. Tall and well built, what really had Rika staring at the man was his hair. Like Damek, he had hair in a colour that she couldn’t think of as natural. In the stranger’s case, a deep green, even the thick mustache and eyebrows the same shade as the hair that sat atop his head.

            Catching her gaze, the man smiled at her, his eyes crinkling up. He came to a stop in front of her, his guards moving to either side of them, close enough that Rika knew if she moved wrong, they’d be on her. His smile still there, the man bowed his head in her direction. “I hope you’ll forgive me, dear lady, for the forcefulness of my invitation.”

            Rika crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him. “You attacked me and my friends and dragged me off without my permission! I don’t call that an invitation, I call it kidnapping. Who the hell are you?”

            His expression flickered for a second, but the smile stayed where it was. “My apologies. I am Lord Atelic of Mugit. Might I know your name, lady?”

            For a second, Rika considered telling him to shove it. But the guards all around her made her think that might not be the best course of action. “I’m Darrika,” she said, wishing him luck with proving that that wasn’t her name. “Why did you bring me here?”

            “It was high time we met. I’ve been looking for you for quite some time. I had been quite concerned that that demon, Lord Zobah, had gotten to you first. He is lower than a dog and has all the honour of a thief. He’s not to be trusted.” When Rika said nothing, only kept her face as impassive as she could, taking a page out of Ahisu’s book, he continued. “You see, our glorious king has fallen ill. He has been gravely ill for quite some time in fact. This would be a cause for great sadness, but even more worrisome, is that he is without an heir. I have been fortunate enough to be considered for the role, but through trickery and bribery, Lord Zobah has had his name put forward. I am doing all in my power to prevent him from gaining the crown. He would be the very ruin of our beautiful country.”

            Continuing with her act as Ahisu, mostly because Rika was worried if she acted as herself he’d see how afraid she really was, she snorted. “You still haven’t told me why you’ve been after me. Today is the second time your soldiers have attacked me for no reason.”

            “I’m very sorry for that. If I hadn’t needed to meet with you before Zobah had a chance to poison you against me, I assure you, I would have proceeded with the utmost respect and decorum.”

            “You still haven’t answered my question.”

            “So I haven’t! As I said, I am one of the candidates to succeed the king should the worst happen. I brought you here to speak to you, to show you my sincerity, and to ask you to give me your support.”

            Rika frowned, trying to follow his thinking. “Why do you want my support? I have nothing to do with kings, nobles, or anyone important.”

            “Ah, but that is part of what sets you apart from everyone else. You’re from another world. You have no preconceptions, no prejudices about anyone here. You are the most impartial judge anyone could wish for. Your support could make all the difference. It’s one of the reasons I mad to meet with you, before Zobah filled your ears with his lies. He is a snake. If he speaks with you, you mustn’t believe anything he says.”

            “How can I be impartial if I’m talking to you now? And how is kidnapping me a good way to get my support? I don’t understand what reasons you have for doing this. And if it’s all the same to you, I’m tired and would like to go back to my friends now.”

            “Ah! Of course, how foolish of me. I should have realized with all your travel and the troubles you’ve had along the way that you would be fatigued. You needn’t worry. I had one of the loveliest of rooms here in my manor prepared for you. I’ll have my chef cook something hot and delicious for you. And please, make free use of anything you find in the room. For a lady such as yourself, I have had several gowns and appropriate accoutrements brought in. We will speak further on the morrow. Good night,” he said, still smiling before giving her another little nod and sailing off, still surrounded by his guards.

            Rika didn’t even have a chance to speak before she heard the door shut behind him. A moment later, she was the one circled in guards, one of them bowing to her. “If you’ll accompany use, lady, we’re to escort you to your room.”

            Seeing the six men and the weapons they bore, Rika knew she had no choice in the matter. She’d go quietly for now, but the second she had the chance, she was getting out of there.

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