Chapter Sixteen

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   (Rocky's POV)

   I held out the black lamp. "Jafar!" I said. "You may have all the power in the world, but there is one flaw of being a Genie. An inseperatable fate." The lamp sucked Jafar up but he grabbed Iago before they both were in the lamp, bickering with each other.

   I gave the lamp to Genie, "Will you do the honors?" He smiled and threw the lamp deeper in the Cave of Wonders. I fell to my knees as the pain kicked back in. Sora ran over to me and helped steady myself. Genie floated over and tapped my shoulder gently. Healing me in no time.

   I thanked him as Donald, Goofy and Sora hugged me. Sora looked at me after we stopped and whistled, "Dang you look cute in that." He said as he poked my belly. I blushed as Genie clapped his hands. My original outfit was on and I looked at Sora teasingly. "Awwwww, really? She looked hot!" Sora pouted. I blushed scarlet as Goofy and Donald howled in laughter.

   Jasmine smiled as Aladdin looked at my red face. Genie smiled, "We should head back home." He clapped and the scenery changed back to the Palace. Sora had his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. We looked at everyone, knowing that soon we would have to say Goodbye.


   (Sora's POV)

   I held Rocky in my arms as Aladdin and Genie talked, "You have one final wish, Al. What do you want?" Genie asked. Aladdin looked at us then at Jasmine. He finally looked at Genie, holding his lamp. "Genie... I wish... I wish you were free." Aladdin said.

   I heard Genie gasp as the golden wristbands disappeared and the smoke disappeared. Leaving legs and feet for Genie to walk. He looked at Aladdin, "You used your last wish... To... Free me?"

    Aladdin nodded and Genie grinned. "I'm free... I'm free!" He bounced off the walls and hugged Rocky and I. "I can see a bright future between you two." He winked at me and Rocky giggled.

   He then hugged Jasmine and Aladdin, "Thank you, Al. You saved me from my dark prison." Genie looked at us, "I have something for you two." Genie pulled out a letter. "This was given to me by a King. Told me to give it to the Two Keyblade weilders."

   Genie, Jasmine, and Aladdin talked while Rocky and I opened the letter.

   Dear Keyblade Weilders, Donald and Goofy:
   Thank you for freeing Agrabah, but your journey is not yet over. There are still many worlds out there, suffering from the Heartless and are losing hope. The Keyblades were made to bring hope back to the worlds. Just like you did with Agrabah.
   I know you two are looking for your friends as Donald and Goofy are looking for me. But just remember this,
    There are many worlds, but they share the same sky... One sky... One destiny.
   My next letter will be with another world that is also suffering. This journey has just begun. The letter is with someone who cannot be who she really is. Dishonor is something she cannot let happened, nor could she let the war hurt her family. A warrior, yet she may not look like it. Type in the coordinates below and it will lead you to the next open world. Rocky, this girl can help you with your problem.
            -King Mickey

   After we read the letter, we said our Goodbyes. We climbed back into our Gunni Ship as Donald typed in the coordinates. Rocky looked distracted but I left her alone to think. Goofy was sitting in the Co-Pilot seat as I looked at the coordinates. I didn't hear Rocky get up but she spoke, "Our next stop is the Land Of The Dragons."

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