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honestly this is such a heated debate in Christianity rn

but here's how I feel about it:

the way I see it

yes, homosexuality is a sin

God created man and woman to be together

there might be a mistranslation here or there but

there are multiple times where God specifies that

a man and his wife should wed/have sex


before you hate on me

you know how much I hate it

when people generalize someone based on

just a part of their personality

like for instance

a lot of gay/lesbian people get labeled by just

their sexuality

like sadly some Christians will always look at some who's gay and think of them

as sinful or condemned

just because of their sexual orientation

when in actuality

that Christian is being sinful by hating on them

here's the deal

if you came out to me, I wouldn't put shame on you

or discriminate you

or call you a sinner

I would still love you so heckin much

if not even more

and would not label you as "that one gay friend"

even though I don't agree with you

because love is way better than hate

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