17. The jacket

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WARNINGS: Cute Virgil, just fluffiness, angry Roman

Virgil's P.O.V

I've been having trouble sleeping lately so when Roman asked if I wanted to have a sleepover in his room, I took up the offer gladly. I'm in my room right now just chilling on my phone waiting for Roman to text me to say he was done with the pillow fort. 

Hey Emo! I'm done with the pillow fort so you can come over! We are gonna watch movies and snuggle the whole time! Not like that you dirty minded weirdo!!!!

Seen by Hot Topic at 7:36 pm

Okie I'll be over in a sec imma just grab some water

Seen by Handsome prince at 7: 38 pm

Can you grab some popcorn and some fizzy drink for meeeeeee pleeeeeaseeee Virgyyyy

Seen by Hot Topic at 7:41 pm

Only if you stop calling me Virgy, Ro

Seen by Handsome prince at 7:44 pm


Seen by Hot topic at 7:45 pm

I hate you ¬_¬T_T

Seen by Handsome prince at 7:46 pm

You love meeeeee..........Right? ಥ_ಥ'(*>﹏<*)′

Seen by Hot topic at 7:48 pm

Of course Ro!

Sent by Hot topic at 7:48 pm

Weird.... Roman always responds to my messages. Now I feel bad for saying that I hate him because I don't. I love him. I've had a crush on him for a while now but every time I go to tell him, I get to anxious and duck (*quack*) out at the last second.

Roman's P.O.V

He hates me doesn't he? God why didn't I just stop when he told me to?! I grunted in frustration just as I heard a faint shuffling outside of my bedroom door. Shortly after, I heard a faint knock.

"Come in," I said trying, but failing, to hide my frustration.

The person opened the door and it revealed a sad looking Virgil.

"I have the popcorn, Ro, if you still want to do the movie night and sleepover but if you don't want to it's fine. I get it you're mad at me for saying that I hate you because I don't you are my friend so I don't hate you and you probably hate me now so I think I'm just gonna go," Virgil said while standing at the door with tears slowly sliding down his face.

He turned around to leave but I jumped out of the bed to try and stop him. I grabbed his wrist and he turned and looked at me and I could see that he was on the verge of a panic attack or a breakdown. I slowly lead him to the bad and grabbed the popcorn and water out of his hands. We sat of the bed and I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist and let him cry onto my shoulder.

"It's ok, Vee, I don't hate you and I know that you don't hate me," I said rubbing his back slightly.

After he finished crying he moved his head off of my shoulder.

"Do you wanna watch some Disney movies now?" I asked him with a small smile.

"Yeah, I'll turn off the lights, you put on the movie," He said getting up from the bed. I got up as well and grabbed a movie disc off of my shelf and put it in the DVD player. I didn't let Vee see what movie it was because I knew that it was his favourite movie. We sat layed down on the bed and got under the covers. I moved slightly so I was leaning against the headboard while sitting up a bit and Virgil layed his head in my lap.

"How did you know this was my favourite movie?" Vee asked while looking up at me.

"Because I remember you saying it one time during a video," I said shyly.

He smiled at me then moved his head back to the screen. I subconsciously started playing with his hair.

By the time the first movie had finished, Vee was already asleep. I moved his head off my lap and layed down next to him. I turned the tv off and closed my eves. I felt Virgil snuggle up to my side and I smiled a bit. God I have a huge crush on this majestic man.

In the morning

Virgil's P.O.V

I woke up before Ro and saw him snuggling me. I smiled a bit then decided he would probably think it was weird if he woke up and just saw me staring at him. I wiggled out of his grip and tip toed out of the room. When I got to the door, I spotted his old high school letterman jacket. I tip toed over to the jacket and lifted it off the back of his desk chair. I looked back at Ro and tip toed back to my room. I was always the first person awake since I barely slept. Once I got back into my bedroom I hid Ro's letterman jacket in the back of my wardrobe. 

1 Hour later

I heard a loud voice and thundering footsteps over my loud music. I didn't know what was happening so I started to panic a bit. Suddenly, my door bursts open to reveal a very angry Roman standing in the doorway. 

"Do you have my high school letterman jacket?" He asked angrily.

"N-no, why a-are y-y-you look-ing f-for i-it?" I asked in a shaky voice, scared because of how angry Roman seemed.

"Because it would go perfectly with this outfit that I have but I can't wear it if I don't have it and I thought it seemed pretty suspicious when you left my room before I woke up!" He screamed in my face.

"I-I'm so sorry t-that I l-l-l-left early I j-just thought y-you wouldn't w-want me there w-when you w-woke up," I said getting off the bed and standing in front of him while sounding like Stuttering Steve.

My breathing was so shaky and I couldn't breathe anymore. Roman must have sensed that he caused a panic attack because he scooped me up into his arms and just held me tightly. I started to calm down a bit.

"That's it. In for 4....Hold for 7....... and out for 8........," He whispered into my ear. He grabbed my hand and held it to his heart as to try and get me to follow his breathing. After a little bit, I calmed down and Roman let go of me.

"I-I took your jacket," I mumbled almost incoherently, looking at the floor.

"What was that Vee?" He asked lifting my chin up with his finger.

"I said I took your jacket!" I screamed taking a step back.

"Why?" He asked not looking even the slightest bit angry.

I blushed bright red.

"Because I'm having trouble sleeping and last night was the only night that I slept so I thought that if I took your jacket, then maybe it would feel like having you there and I would be able to sleep properly," I said backing up even more and sitting on the edge of my bed while looking ashamed and embarrassed.

"Look Vee, if you really can't sleep, you can always come into my room and we can watch a movie until you fall asleep," Roman said walking up to me, grabbing my hands and sitting beside me on the bed.

"T-thanks Ro," I said leaning into him.

"I love you Vee," Roman said.

"Wait not not like that hehe just as a friend...yeah... just as a friend," He said seeming to panic a bit.

"It's ok Ro I love you too," I said before getting off the bed and kissing his on the lips.

"Ok maybe I do love you as more then a friend," He said while laughing.

From that day on Virgil never had any troubles sleeping because he had Roman in the bed right beside him


This chapter was all over the place and I forgot that I hadn't finished it right before I uploaded it so the end might seem a bit rushed :)

Words: 1354 

River <3

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