18. Glasses?

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WARNINGS: Over-dramatic Roman, swear words

Virgil's P.O.V

I'm so happy the video we filmed wasn't too long today because my eyes are sore and I can feel a headache starting to form. 

I teleported back to the mind palace and walked up to my room. I threw my door open and closed and locked it behind me. I walked over to my night stand and unlocked it using the key from around my neck. I pulled open the drawer to reveal a black box. I unlocked the black box using the key around my wrist and opened it. I grabbed the small, purple case from the box and slid it back in the drawer. I opened the purple case to reveal a black pair of glasses with my storm cloud logo on the sides. I put the glasses on my face before walking over to my bathroom mirror. God my make-up was a mess today. 

I thought I would have time to put my glasses back on to check it before the video but Thomas wanted to start earlier than normal today. If anyone found out about my glasses, I would be doomed. Janus knew about my glasses because I told him one time but then he laughed at me and told me I look like a stupid nerd and should suffer with being blind. That was the day I left. 

I can't wear contacts because it irritates my eyes so I have to deal with the glasses. I never wear them outside of my room. I just don't want them to make fun of me like Janus and Remus did. This time I don't have an option to leave. Unless I go to the neutrals and Thomas doesn't even know they exist.

I sighed as I stepped out of my bathroom and into my room. Shit. I thought I locked my door. I saw Roman just sitting on the end of the bed looking at me shocked.

"R-Ro, it's n-not what you th-think," I said backing up a bit.

"YOU HAVE GLASSES?!?!" He yelled. I flinched at the sudden, loud noise and could feel my chest get heavy. He must have noticed because he came rushing over to me and scooped me up in his arms. He sat me down on the bed and hugged me closer to his chest. I just cried softly into his chest as he ran his fingers softly though my hair.

"Sh-sh it's okay my sweet and angelic song bird. I'm sorry for scaring you and I'm sorry if you thought I was going to make fun of you. I would never make fun of you. I love you too much to ever hurt you purposely. I think you look cute with glasses," Roman said as I clung to his shirt.

"T-thanks R-ro," I said, half stuttering from the tears and half stuttering from the bright red blush that had crept onto my face.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" Roman asked, running his fingers through my hair.

"Sure Princey," I said rolling my eyes with a smirk.

*Offended Princey Noises*

I giggles a bit at that then his face suddenly dropped and he looked at me.

"W-what?" I asked a bit scared and worried.

"Fuck your giggle is so cute. Ugh! Why don't you giggle more? But then again you don't need to giggle to sound cute and be cute," Princey said with a bright smile.

I blushed even redder.

"T-thanks," I said looking away embarrassed.

"C'mon, lets go watch a movie downstairs," He said grabbing my hand and pulling me off the bed sand out the door.

We walked down the stairs the the living room.

"So. I'll get the popcorn, you choose the movie?" I said smiling a little.

With a head nod from Princey, I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed the popcorn bag out of the cupboard. I threw it into the microwave and turned it on. I sat on the bench while I was waiting for it to fully pop. When it was finished, I grabbed it out and walked into the lounge room to see Princey putting the disc for 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'. I smiled before sitting on the couch and opening the bag of popcorn. Roman hadn't noticed that I entered so I threw a piece of popcorn at the back of his head.

"Ow, that hurt," he said turning around.

"Surly it didn't," I said questioning him.

"I'm gonna make you pay for that," Roman said as he came over to me with an evil grin.

Roman's P.O.V

I walked over to him with and evil grin before sitting on top of him. I started tickling his sides and he let out short, cute laughs. I started laughing along with him before I eventually stopped. We were both still laughing before I felt his hand cup my cheeks and pull me into a loving kiss. Normally Virgil wasn't one fore public display of affection or just initiating affection but when he is in these moods, I feel like i'm in heaven. We parted lips shortly after. It was short and sweet but enough to leave me panting. 

"What?" Virgil asked as he removed has hand from my face.

"Nothing," I said, shaking out of my trance.

"Let's watch our movie," He said sitting up and putting his legs in a criss-cross-apple-sauce position.

Half way through the movie I felt a dead weight on my shoulder and felt even breathing on my neck. I look to me left to see Virgil had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I smiled slightly at the cute sight before shifting slightly. I moved slowly and quietly so I wouldn't wake him before I picked him up bridal style and carried him to my room. I layed him down on my bed before changing my outfit. Luckily, he was wearing a t-shirt, leggings and his jacket. I took off his glasses and examined them. They were just simple glasses with a black frame like Logan's and Patton's but on the corners were Virgil's storm cloud logo. I don't see why he has to hide them from us. Logan and Patton have glasses and we don't make fun of them.

Oh well, I thought, I'll just ask him in the morning. I placed the glasses down on the table beside the bed and layed down under the covers. Virgil immediately snuggled up to my side and I wrapped my arm around his waist. I smiled at my adorable boyfriend and drifted into a calm slumber.


This is just a random chapter that I was going to trash but I decided to just make it fluffy

Words: 1120 

River <3

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