The House

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Kevin and Adam were at Adam's desk trying to trace the tracking chip back to the person who was tracking the phone, they knew it would take time to trace it back but they still kept trying.

After a while, Sgt. Platt comes up the stairs. She went straight to Hailey's desk where Hailey was sitting and says, "We found the black car."

Hailey knocks on Sgt. Voight's door, "Sarge, I might have something." Sgt. Voight stood up and got out of his office.

Hailey was standing in front of the crime board attaching a picture of the black car,  "Last night, when I was on the front door of Vanessa and I's place this black car with tinted windows slowly drove by but when it passed the house, it drove off fast, and I told Trudy about it, I didn't really think it was connected but a POD just outside Vanessa and I's neighborhood caught a black car with tinted windows, we got a license plate and it's registered to," Hailey points at a picture on the board and says, "Amelia Griffin, Lizzie's mom."

"Trudy checked more PODS and tracked the car down to a location," Hailey says and continues, "patrol officers did a drive by and confirmed that the black car is still there, the area and the house were pretty quiet so they couldn't tell if the house was empty or not." Hailey looks at Sgt. Voight and Sgt. Voight says, "Alright, let's hit this location."

The intelligence unit arrived on the location, it was an old, two-stories house and it looks like no one has been living it in but Hailey sees the infamous black car with tinted windows, and her bad feeling was right. As soon as the team got out of their car, shots were fired from the house and the team took cover behind their cars, "10-1, 10-1, shots fired at the police, need immediate backup," Adam radioed in.

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