There are many wild violets in my local park. There is the purple ones (Viola Sororia), these (Viola Blanda) and the very elusive gold/yellow ones (Viola Pubescens). The one I have is Viola Blanda, but I hope to get all three. There is one place we find gold violets, but the flowers didn't come up this year. We have the purple ones in our yard, so achieving the purple ones will be quite easy. But in my area the gold ones are quite rare. This is my white violet plant.
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These like all wild violets are edible. But the African violet is poisonous, causing nausea. You can also see moss, that won't be mentioned as we all have seen it before. The mock strawberry and some grass also make an appearance here. You can also see the little periwinkles as well, but they come out blurry. Also thag stem in the background is an aniseroot stem, with a leaf that is obscured by the violet plant and some of the other plants. This plant is very cool, and it's flavor is sweet. The leaves are rich in Vitamin C. This is it on my white violet plant I have.