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Manik " that was awesome "
Says manik while he hugs Nandani to himself and she also snuggles back in his arms as manik press a kiss to her forehead .
Aryaman " yeah it was a kind of tradition among us "
Mukti " tradition "
All of them was sitting in the garden now in a circle finding it more comfortable and refreshing .
Xavier " yup , whenever nandani use to feel down appa means nandani dad use to sing this song while we also started doing it when knew how to do it so it kind of became like a tradition "
Cabir " doll why were you feeling down "
Nandani who was sitting in manik lap snuggled deep into him looked at cabir when he asked her and then gave Xavier a look knowing it would be too much for nandani to go through this again , Xavier set out in explaining what nandani told him , aryaman face was unreadble the whole time , and the during the whole time both xavier and nandani were looking at him , aryaman may seem CALM and happy go lucky but when it comes to person he loves he turns into an actual malfoy ~ CALM but DEVLISH , when Xavier finshes the explanation all of them stay silent absorbing the information but aryaman who stayed silent the whole while spoke up .
Aryaman " Granger do you remeber the story behind the nicknames we gave each other "
All of them perked up even xavier Because he also didn't knew the story as it was just an ' Malfoy granger secret ' they use to say .
Nandani " I do "
Aryaman " we had just finished the whole harry potter films and books within an week and suddenly you say arya you know you are an malfoy "
Nandani " and then you asked why and i told because though you are an happy lucky go guy making everyone laugh and giving them smiles cracking lame jokes being scarstic , mostly scarstic under all these layers you have created to hide your true self , the caring understanding smart you , who can do anything for his love ones , you hide so many things within you , you are an open book but still am mystery like you show people what you want them to see and make them believe that what they are seeing is what they wanted to see all time like a true Slytherin coy and smart , but you are also loyal though people Always say ki Slytherin are never loyal that they can do anything to get there way but Malfoy was not like that he was loyal , in soo many ways , he like you created layers and layers of him to hide himself , he was an open book or so people thought , they Always thought that he was insufferable prat but no one ever thought that he was scared liitle one from inside that all he wanted was love , love of his father , freedom from this cage he living , no one ever saw that what he did was just so that he could protect his fragile heart , that he could protect other from his toxicness but when it came to protect his loved ones he didn't give a fuck he would go to any extent that the person is protected feircely loyal , and devilsih when struck the wrong cord "
Aryaman " and then i called you Granger because you were an gryffindor brave , always fighting for right even though it hurt somone , loyal and truthful , you never cared about what people said about you , you did what you want to , you did what was right , you kept me and xavier in line always going headbutt in any situation if that means we both came out safe , you went any measure like any measure "
Nandani " and then we told each other that draco was an secret gryffindor Because of his bravery "
Aryaman " and Hermione an secret Slytherin , getting out of any situation with her wits and smartness bending rules her own way , yes she was teacher pet she followed rules and a goody two shoes but what people never saw that by being teachers let she was bale to bend rules her own way that whatever mischief she causes or do no one will ever think of her doing it a true prankster and a perfect crime  and she also got her way by hook or crook "
Nandani / aryaman " and never geeting caught "
Aryaman " you are still my strong Granger always knew that though for sometimime you tolreted the tourture of that who should not be names aka voldmort aka your " amms " , you just came out stronger from it and the Granger I see now is not the fragile girl who was new to life nope , now I see an women an queen an Princess all in one , the gryffonder princess and an war herione  , she is an women protecting her king and I am proud of her "
They both look in each other eyes and a silent undertaning pass between them .
Cabir seeing the mood serious did what he always did best .
Cabir " so xavier where were you through this whole harry potter marathon "
Aryaman " baby he is not the Harry Potter kindna guy "
Nandani " he is more of a twilight kindna guy "
Mukti " no wayyyyy "
Manik " here we go again "
Nandani " what "
Manik " wait and watch "
Mukti " you like twilight series "
Xavier " yup "
Mukti " team jacob or team edward "
Xavier and mukti go on a stare down like shooters at two opposite sides of teams .
Xavier / mukti " teams jasper Whitlock "
Mukti " oh yeah baby , thats the spirit "
Xavier " means I know Edward is cute and all but I mean seriously how dumbass he can be " mr I love bella but I would break her heart and would leave her alone in the woods when I know she have two left feet but noooo I love her and want to protect her blaah ballah and dude koi usko stay away ka matlab samjhao no brooo please give me a break"
Mukti " I know right "
Nandani " you could have read the books you know they are completely different , I mean Edward character is lot better in it "
Xavier / mukti " it will ruin the essence of the movies "
Nandani " no it won't "
Xavier " yes it would , like it did with your Harry potter series "
Aryaman " you don't go down that road twin "
Mukti " is that a challange "
Nandani " oh i don't know , an threat "
Aryaman / Nandani " avada kaverda "
Xavier " the killing curse seriously guys "
Mukti " we are gonna snap your neck "
Xavier " and burn the peices "
Mukti " now that's an threat "
Nandani " crusio baby even more effective than jane plane oh I don't know ,
Arayman / nandani " pain "
Xavier " you didn't "
And soon an HARRY POTTER vs TWILIGHT fight broke out among the four and the other glare at cabir who smiles sheepilsly .
While they were enjoying there time togther there in jail where harshad was being kept somone came to visit him .
Harshad " what are you doing here , I thought you guys were just trying to use me for information "
Dhruv " I am not alone , and no we weren't your spies made sure of that didn't they Harshad don't take us lightly broo we are not pawn at some game of your you understand "
Harshad didn't show any sign of agreement and as aliya entred he went in his senti brorther act
Harshad " alu , you finally came for your bhai "
Aliya " cut the crap Harshad , you used me and now I am gonna use you "
Dhruv " lets get straight to point I want nandani "
Aliya " and i manik "
Harshad " but aren't they alredy broken up "
Aliya " are you kidding me , it was all an plan , a careful plan stiched by nandani , she got to know about you and other though she still dosent know about one person , they both are patched up and thinking of taking you guys down inw by one she told us all her plans , as she "trust "  us and think we are all buddy buddy , that bitch "
Harshad " oh my god i am soo stupid "
Dhruv " couldn't agree more "
Aliya " so Harshad you in or out "
Harshad " i am in "
Dhruv " good , then as soon as plan is successful you will be out of here "
Harshad look at both of them an  plan started forming in his head.
Harshad " ok i am GONNA contact nyoninka for you guys she will help you with this but as soon as this happens i should be free from here deal !
Aliya " deal "

 kaisi yeh yaariyan (#wattys2019)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें