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"I swear to you, Granger, no one is going to hurt you. Not anymore." The words rang loudly in her head, and she found herself marching to his room. "How are you so sure?!" she exclaimed in his doorway. The blonde male jumped and cursed under his breath. "Jesus, Hermione, knock why don't you-" he began. Hermione shook her head quickly. "How are you so sure?!" she asked again, looking right at him. "What on Earth are you going on about?" he hissed, getting frustrated with her tone.

"You told me that no one was going to hurt me anymore. How are you going to make sure of it?" Hermione explained, tears streaming down her cheeks. "The wars over! There's no need to be holding onto the dark memories. Everything's fine now. That's what I meant." he said quickly. No it's not. That's not what he meant at all. He meant, I will protect you, but he couldn't tell her that. "You're unbelievable! I confessed something I have never, I mean never confessed to anyone and you just say that?!" Hermione argued, walking over to him angrily.

Draco took a step back from the raging woman. He couldn't help it at this point, the words needed to come out. They were vomiting all over the room. "I want you to stay with me!" he yelled loudly over her bickering. "I've wanted you to stay since the first night you stepped foot in the manor! I wanted to kill my aunt for what she was doing to you! I was a coward, and I will never forget it! You've been following me around every day in memory since the stupid war! I slept alone with you dancing in my head! Do you know how tiring that was, Granger?! Do you?!" he fired at the girl. Hermione was breathing heavily, taking it all in.

"When you showed up on my doorstep, I had never believed in fate, but in that moment I did. From that moment on I believed that fate brought you to me, and somehow you would stay. The week we've had: I've never been more happy, more satisfied, more relaxed in my whole life! You accepted me, and my flaws, and my horrible past, and-and you cared for me. And after a night like we shared last night, I apologize for not wanting to see you go. I really really must be awful to be so selfish!" Draco finished, his own tears falling now.

Hermione stood in shock at the information. She didn't know what to say, what was she supposed to say? Draco walked backwards until his legs hit his bed, and he sunk down onto it. He was shaking with fear. Fear of expressing too much, saying too much, feeling too much. He cried in distress, in anger, in sadness. He wanted to tell her his feelings, but not like that. Hermione's phone buzzed in her pocket, and Draco laughed painfully. "You better take it." he told her, walking out of the room.

Hermione shakily answered the phone, bringing it to her ear. "Hello? Hermione ? Hermione, is everything okay?" Harry's voice rang clear in the air. "Harry..." Hermione whimpered, and the water gates opened. "Hermione?! Are you crying? Are you alright? What happened? I swear to God, did he hurt you-" Harry began cursing at the thought of Malfoy hurting her. Hermione shook her head and let out another sob. "He loves me." she whispered. Hardy froze, looking at his wife. "Pardon?"

Hermione Granger left early the next morning. Harry had apparated at Draco's house with no problem now. Hermione kissed Draco's cheek, seeing the sadness in his eyes. "When we meet again, it will be our time." Draco read the note she left on his counter over and over. When they meet again. They'd never meet again. There were too many things going on, and no where did Hermione and Draco's lives cross ever again. "To meeting again." he whispered, taking a shot of fire whiskey.

Hermione sat alone at a table for four at a very popular London restaurant. She was supposed to meet Harry and Ron, but they were late. It didn't take long for them to arrive, both of them spewing apologies. Hermione smiled, shaking her head. "Would you two just sit?" she asked, pointing at the chairs. The men quieted, sitting down. "It's good to see you again. Hermione." Ron said quickly, smiling at his friend. Hermione looked at him, suddenly filled with rage. She stopped and looked at the red-head, and realized she cared too much to fight. "Thank you, Ronald. I missed you." she says in a friendly tone, smiling at him.

"What are you going to do about Draco?" Harry asked, taking a sip of tea. Hermione's smile crumbled and she dropped her head into her hands. "Oh, God." she mumbled, looking back up. "What am I supposed to do?" she asked them, her eyes begging for help. "Well, what about the yearly ball at the Ministry? You've been invited every single year, and have never gone." Ron suggested. Hermione's face crinkled and sighed. "Malfoy doesn't get invited though." Hermione reminded him, and the three of them simultaneously remembered his past.

"This year, they're inviting lots of new people. The theme this year is forgiveness, and the colors are gold, rose gold, and white. Ginny is actually in charge, and I got her to send Draco an invitation." Harry told her, smiling softly. Hermione leaned back in her chair, looking down into her lap. "And if he doesn't go?" Hermione asked slowly. "Then we struck out, you're up to bat." Ron told her. Harry's eyebrows turned in confusion, and Hermione laughed. "Isn't that something muggles say?" he asked seriously. "No!" Harry and Hermione both responded, Hermione still dying of laughter. Harry looked at his friend, laughter bubbling out of his mouth too. "No?!" Ron exclaimed, laughing himself. The three sat with each other, laughing like old times.

Draco Malfoy sat on his couch, looking at the invitation. He sighed, throwing his head back against the cushions. Forgiveness? Was this a pity invite, or did they actually want him there? I am not a pity party, he told himself. He grabbed his phone, dialing an old friend. "Draco. Been a while, mate." the voice answered. "So it has." Draco responded, foot tapping to an inaudible beat. "What's with this ball?" he asked, standing up. "Oh! You got invited? Brilliant. It's the annual ball. It's always held on June 20th." Blaise answered, walking down the street of London. "Who usually goes?" Draco asked, walking to his bedroom. He paused, looking to his right at her room. "Well. Everyone. The Golden Trio, the Minister, Hogwarts teachers, everyone invited." Blaise told him, picking his suit up.

Draco stood in silence, looking down at the invitation. "I don't have a thing to wear." he tells Blaise, biting his lip in thought. "What straight male wears a gold suit?" Draco asked, laughing softly. Blaise laughed, shaking his head. "It's mostly the girls who follow that rule. You can wear any plain suit. Just not green, or red. Usually a navy blue." Blaise told him. "Great, thank you." Draco replied, hanging up quickly. "Looks like I'm going shopping, lad." he told Logan, sighing softly. "When did I become so soft?" he asked, grabbing a jacket as he walked out. 

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