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Draco stood in front of his mirror, looking down at his suit. He took a deep breath in. This was his last chance. Fate wouldn't line up like this again. He walked outside, waiting for Blaise to appear. Blaise walked up Malfoy's steps a few minutes later, pretending to check the blonde out. Draco chuckled, licking his lips. His hands were deep in his pockets, and they were sweating like crazy. "You look good, man!" Blaise complimented. Blaise was wearing a white suit, contrasting his Italian skin. "As do you." Draco said, hooking his arm with Blaises. When Draco opened his eyes, he was standing in front of the doors. "You ready-" Blaise began, but Draco was already going.

He opened the door, and the room paused. "Announcing, Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini, Auror." the man standing next to the door bellowed. The party guests all smiled, and welcomed them in. So many of his past enemies complimented his stories. Draco laughed in disbelief as he walked through the crowd. He couldn't stop himself from looking around the room for Hermione. When he couldn't find her, he took a deep breath in. "Please come." he whispered. "Mr. Draco Malfoy." he heard an old voice, and he spun to it.

"Professor McGonagall." he breathed, giving her a brief hug. "You look quite well, young man. I am proud of who you've become. I know it's been difficult." she said, smiling softly. "Thank you, Professor. I'm quite proud of myself." he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "I've heard about Miss. Granger. I'll tell you what, Albus had always been right with these things-" Draco's eyes widened and he looked at his old teacher. "Dumbledore?" he asked shocked. McGonagall laughed and nodded. "He had told me and Professor Snape he had a vision of the two of you. At a ball, deeply in love." McGonagall informed him before being dragged away.

Draco's stomach flipped, and he stared at nothing. "Dumbledore?" he whispered again. He took a shot of firewhiskey, his lungs hurting. What if he couldn't pull this through? He couldn't mess this up, this was his last chance. "God, what am I doing? What am I doing? I don't belong here-" he rambled to himself, downing another shot. He turned to leave when the door opened. The guests made a pathway for the group that had arrived. Draco was left at the end of the blue carpet, alone in the center.

"Announcing Harry Potter, Auror, accompanied by his wife, Ginny Potter, captain of the Hollywood Harpies." the man announced. The couple walked down the carpet, smiling at everyone. When Harry saw Draco looking, he grinned. "This is going to be so good." he whispered to Ginny. Ginny looked forward to see Draco and smiled. "Yes it will." she whispered. They took their place in the crowd as the man began his next shout. "Ronald Weasley, Auror, accompanied by Lavender Brown, Auror." he said. Ron walked in with Lavender on his arm, and they both giggled like children. Lavender was enjoying the spotlight, and Ron was enjoying Lavender. "Neville Longbottom, Professor of Herbology at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and his wife Luna Longbottom, Auror."

Draco's heart pounded so loud he couldn't breathe. He looked up and his breath left. There she stood, looking like a princess. A queen, a Goddess. Her gold dress hugged her torso before spreading beautifully. He looked at her, meeting his eyes. He took a step forward, tears springing to his eyes. "Hermione Granger, Legend." the man bellowed, and the room was still. "Draco." she said, everyone turning to Draco. He took another step towards her, smiling softly. Hermione picked up her dress, running to meet him. He ran to meet her, and it was magical.

They collided, hands finding faces, waists, hair, tears meeting tears, lips meeting lips. Draco closed his eyes, letting his tears fall, holding her close as they kissed. Hermione laughed softly, wrapping her arms around his neck as she kissed him. Ginny let some tears go of her own, and laughed softly. Harry pulled her close by the waist, kissing her head. Ron smiled, Lavender awing loudly. Luna smiled happily, holding tight onto Neville's arm. "Hermione..." Draco whispered. "No. Don't say anything. We have forever to talk." she whispered, hugging him tightly.

The ball was a dream come true. Hermione and Draco greeted everyone as a couple. They were a couple. They danced the traditional dance together, a dance common in Industrial Russia long ago. They danced for hours, never wanting it to end. Hermione's hand never left Draco. She held his hand, his sleeve, his shoulder, his face. Draco held tightly onto Hermione's waist all night, finally letting her go when Ginny and Lavender wanted to dance. Draco watched her, a triumphant grin spreading.

He walked out onto the balcony, looking over London. From the thousands of protective charms, this Ministry building was hidden from the muggle eye, but London was not hidden from the wizards and witches. He leaned on the railing, loosening his tie. He took his suit jacket off, breathing in the warm air. He wore a smile all night. He couldn't get rid of it. He didn't wish too. Everything had become right for the man. He had successfully escaped his past, making himself a new future. His parents were no longer in control of his life, he was. He loved that feeling of power, but it was the good power. Draco had the woman he had secretly loved for years.

He smiled as small, tanned arms snaked around his waist. He stood up, letting Hermione's face lay on his back. He placed his hand over hers, rubbing them with his thumb. "You're alone. Is everything alright?" she asked him softly. He turned to his girl, cupping her face. His eyes raked over her appearance a million times for the millionth time that night. "Yes, my love. Everything is alright." he said, bringing her into another kiss. 

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