Chapter 8 - "No, no im just gonna go"

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I could hear a ringing , it was loud , an alarm clock .
I heard jaden groan and I stretched my arms out , accidentally knocking my own phone off the bed . I bent down to pick it up and as I did I heard the alarm stop ringing . When I sat back out jaden was walking towards the bathroom. I didn't know what to did with myself because I wasn't sure if he wanted me to stay or leave or even what he was going to do . I spotted my dress on the floor so I walked over to it and picked it up , getting dressed. As I turned around to look at myself in the mirror I realised makeup was all over my face and my hair was a mess . I ran my fingers through my hair and started To rub the mascara from my under eye . I heard the shower turn on and movement in the bathroom . I could hear voices downstairs , one of them was Bryces and another's griffins but I wasn't sure about the others . I took a moment to collect myself then started to walk to the kitchen .
"Hi guys" I said shyly walking over to take a seat in the kitchen next to griffin. Bryce was sat on his phone on the couch .
"Morning,although you are the last person I expected to see" griffin said
"Why's that" I asked with a concerned tone.
"Just that jaden said nothing was going on with you two" I was slightly hurt, nothing was going on but I didn't think he would be talking to griffin about how he didn't care"
I nodded and looked down at the floor causing an awkward scene unintentionally.
"Breakfast?l" Bryce offered
"No , no I'm just gonna go" I was already late for work so I would have to come up with another excuse , I couldn't tell my manager I was in bed with one of his clients .
I headed towards the door and opened it slightly before turning around to smile at griffin and Bryce . I just saw out of the corner of my eye jaden coming down the stairs but I couldn't bring myself to talk to him , what would we even talk about .
I speed walked to my car incase jaden tried to catch up with my , but who was I kidding , of course he wouldn't because we were nothing according to him .

"Ellie , you home yet" I called as I closed the door behind me after entering our apartment. I wasn't sure if she would be , but I had stayed late at work so she might .
"Yeah , just in here" I could hear muffled voices .
I knew someone else was in the house , a man, but I didn't know who and I couldn't hear what they were saying . I threw my bag on my bed and walked over to the couch .
"She isn't going to want you to but you have to , she is your mother"
"She asked me not to , she said she didn't want me to see her like that"
"Look , frankly I don't care , you really want to sacrifice your last moments with your mother"
Shit , I thought to myself , Ellie's mum has been battling cancer for the past year . I have tried to be there for Ellie but she is strong and doesn't share much with me . Something must be seriously wrong for Ellie's dad to fly out here from there home .
Ellie approached me with tears running down her face , I leaned in for a hug and she gladly accepted .
"I'm gonna go home , my mums getting worse and they gave her a month or so"
"I totally understand , take as long as you need"

It was a little later now and Ellie's dad was in her room on the phone to her mum .
"I can still pay the rent for the time I'm not here" Ellie turned to me .
Shit I forgot about that , the reason I had looked for a roommate originally was because I couldn't afford the apartment , but I couldn't do that to Ellie , she isn't good for money either and I couldn't make her pay for an apartment she wouldn't even be in .
"No it's fine" I lied , I knew it wouldn't be but I wasn't prepared to worry her with my problems .

I couldn't believe i was doing this , I really couldn't . It was a week later now and I couldn't manage to get the money together to pay for my apartment , I had looked for others but i work in the centre of la and nothing nearly close was available . Ellie was back home now and I hadn't told her anything so she wouldn't worry . But the truth is it wasn't going well . I had packed a suitcase and everything else was at my friend Eric's house . He offered to let me stay there until his boyfriend came back from a work trip , but that was 3 days and I didn't want to be a burden . So here I found myself suitcase in hand standing at the entrance of ...

Sorry about the cliffhanger but I will be posting again quite soon so it won't be that long . Make sure to vote and add to your library so you know when I update . Also follow if you like this story because there will be others like it .
Word count 901

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