Chapter 12: Feelings of love?

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"I was about to save you, but then you actually stood up to her...unlike me..." Umeji said looking both sad and happy for me, "What do you mean by 'unlike me'?" I asked looking kinda curious, *sigh* "do you want to hear my full story of how became a delinquent?" he said, "Go ahead." I said while nodding...

"before I was a delinquent I was apart of the cooking club."
"I didn't have much friends cuz I was pretty shy..."
"the only friends I had were the ones that became delinquents with me."
"We were always bullied cuz we were all too meek, shy, and weak."
"Nobody ever stepped in to stop them from bullying us."
"It was all too much for us that me and my friends almost committed suicide."
"Till one day a girl named Osoro Shidesu a female delinquent that goes to our school fought a bunch of boys from another school that had some issues with her, this was in front of the school and me and my friends were there we witnessed this happen..."
"she didn't even use weapons to bring them down, she fought them using her bear hands hehehehe..."
"anyway, me and my friends found it super cool that we started following her around, she was like a goddess to us, she was like our savior...eventually me and my friends decided to start intimidating her, we think that it would scare off bullies, anyone that tried to hurt us, and most of all stop our bullying."

"Oh Umeji-Kun..." I petted him on the head, "What are you doing?" he said while blushing and looking confused, "oh sorry" I stopped and giggled nervously..."It's fine Horuda cuz I love you..." he said whispering to himself...(She didn't hear him btw) I go back to reading my book "Umeji-Kun sit next to me!" I said with a warm smile on my face.


Her smile is so cute that everytime she puts it on, it's hard for me too ignore her. I walk to the bench she saved a spot for me I sit right next to her, "What's the book your reading?" I ask her, "Nancy Drew its about this girl who is a detective!" she replied back with her adorable smile on her face. Damn it I guess I actually fell for her, huh? I want to protect her for the rest of my life, I want her to always be happy and smile!


I read my book to was nice hanging out with him though it was hard to ignore the feeling in my stomach again, I had it badly this time cuz he was so close to me...I don't know if I do like him or not...I just hope we can be friends forever and ever or maybe something more...he's so kind and caring, he wants to protect me and be there for me I owe him so much, but it would be wrong if we did become lovers, we wouldn't match cuz he's a delinquent...

Time skip to lunchtime...

I made my way up to the Light Music club for piano lessons with Kiba I see Umeji-Kun outside of the club room leaning against a wall, he's being like a bodyguard today for me, huh? I entered the club room I see Kiba waiting there for me as always...the lesson started I tried to focus but yet I couldn't stop thinking about Umeji-Kun I felt bad for him a lot and that he's been very traumatized! "Hey Horuda focus!" Kiba said as she was tapping my shoulder, but I couldn't focus even though I tried. Why do I always get a funny feeling in my stomach when thinking about him...? Eventually I was able to focus.

Time skip to after school...

Umeji-Kun keeps on following me everywhere that he even participated in cleaning time today and it shocked most people, it kinda made me laugh a little bit since the delinquents never did that.

I got a text form Miyuji...

Miyuji: Yo were meeting in the gym today to work with the Drama club come one!

Me: Ok I'll just go right away!

I walk over to the gym with Umeji-Kun walking next to me, I see Miyuji and the others "Hey guys!" the all give me a "Yo!" back to me, Kizana then walks up to us...

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