Chapter 1

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I stretched as the morning sun came through the window and danced on my face. During my stretch I felt my muscles protest against me. Training with my older brother really did a number on me. I gave him my all to prove to him and our parents that if I became a Luna, I was able to handle anything that came with the title.

I growled as I forced my bruised body to move out of bed. I gathered my clothes and went to my bathroom. Inside was painted lilac purple with dark purple towels that hung on the rails by the bathtub and walk in shower. A purple rug with other items that decorated the counters and the walls. I placed my clothes on the white marble counter and grabbed two towels. I turned on the water to my huge white marble bathtub.

I poured some of my favorite lavender bubble bath into the warm steaming water. I slipped out of my clothes and gently slid into the water, allowing it to wrap around my aching body like a warm hug. No more then five minutes go by and my best friend Audrey comes bursting into my bathroom.

"Hell Audrey! Don't you ever knock!" I yelled as I nearly jumped out of the bath in full attack mode.

"Sorry Leah! But I couldn't wait any longer." She exclaimed bouncing around like a five year old that was hyped up on sugar. Her long blond hair was put into a high phony tail and her make up was done in a classy Gothic style. Her look paired well with her fair skin. I rolled my eyes at her and sat back down in my bath and let out a sigh.

Today was our last day of high school, which also meant Audrey and I's birthdays where coming up very quickly. Our birthdays are on the same day, but ever since we became best friends we always celebrated together and the pack would throw us a huge party every year. But this year was going to be a lot different even our parents where fussing over the party details.

"This is it Leah. This is our year not only cause we graduate but we also might find our mates." Audrey said with a gleam in her eyes. I just gave her a soft smile and started getting out of the bath. "Come on Leah don't tell me you're not excited about this." Audrey said as she handed me a towel looking at me with worry.

"It's not that I'm not excited about the party Aud but it's the whole mate thing. What if I end up with a bad mate or what if he rejects me." I said as I pulled on my clothing making sure not to meet her gaze. Audrey has always had her heart set on finding her mate on our eighteenth birthday. Me on the other hand I looked at everything from different angle and I know that there can and will be bad mates we both have seen it growing up and it's very scary.

"Leah you can't think like that. I bet you'll have the hottest and most loving mate. I doubt the Moon Goddess would pair you up with a bad mate." Audrey said giving me her movie star smile. I just rolled my eyes at her and smiled. I can only hope that would be the case. As I finished getting ready Audrey and I went down stairs and had a quick breakfast before we went to school.

I tuned every  one out as they talked about the party details. My father the alpha and Audrey's dad the Beta sat at the head of the table while our mothers sat at the side of them. I watched as they fussed over each detail. My father had stress lines on his forehead as mother yelled and told him that tomorrow night had to be absolutely perfect. You see both mine and Audrey's mom where ready for us to be mated and start having pups as soon as we could. Our fathers on the other hand still looked at us as if we where just born.

My mom wasn't giving dad much room to talk and we all know he would give her whatever she asked for no matter what. I want my mate to be like that to look at me the way my dad looks at my mom with so much love in his eyes that it melts my heart every time. Once we where done eating Audrey and I booked it out of the pack house as fast as we could so we wouldn't get caught in the middle of another argument.

The school day started and ended quickly. I stood by my car as I waited for Audrey to come out from cleaning out her lockers. I had told Audrey all week that she should have done it way sooner but she didn't listen. Finally I saw her small frame come out from the school building. I rushed up to her and helped her with the big duffel bag.

"Should have listened Aud. I told you it was going to take you awhile." I said as I popped open the trunk and tossed her stuff in. Audrey tossed her bag in and just glared at me. I laughed and climbed into the car.  We made the thirty minute drive back to the pack house and unloaded my car of our stuff.

"Welcome home girls." My mom greeted us and gave us both hugs.

"You seem very happy  mama. I take it dad gave into the party details?" I asked giving mom a big smile knowing that she had dad wrapped around her little finger.

"Yes and five of the neighboring pack's their Alpha's, beta's and three of their chosen guests are already here also. I have some staff preparing the back yard for the party tomorrow night so all you two have to do is stay away from the back of the house and to be there on time and well dressed. I picked out the perfect dress for you. Audrey your mother has done the same for you there in your rooms." With that Audrey and I dropped our stuff and took off to our rooms. I could hear my mom giggling as she asked a staff member to grab our stuff that we dropped an bring them upstairs. I opened my bedroom door as quickly as I could. On my bed sat a lavender purple gown, I carefully picked up and help the silk fabric in my hands. The dress was floor length and looked to be very fitted. Small jewels formed swirling patterns across the chest and from what I could tell the dress had no straps or sleeves and was very low cut. Now I know why dad had stress lines on his forehead there was no way in hell he would ever allow me out in public with this or even be seen in it. 

Audrey and I had agreed not to see each other's dress tell the night of our party. The plan was that we would spend the whole day together getting pampered and then getting ready together. We would come out together once all of the guest where outside. My mother would be announcing our arrival. The whole reason for that was so that it would be easier for our mates to get to us if they where there. The thought of that still had me a little nervous.

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