Chapter 2

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I couldn't sleep very well last night and I just know Audrey is going to throw a bitch fit once she see's the dark circles under my eye's. I looked over my face once more hoping that the light makeup I put on would help cover them and make the circles less noticeable. As I took one last glance at myself, I made my way down stairs. 

I was greeted with many smiles and happy birthdays. I smiled back and said my thank yous even though I could feel my wolf starting to wake up. I was excited yet nervous, this would be Audrey and I's first ever shift in front of our whole pack and the possibility of finding our mate. 'I see you've finally woke up.' I said to my wolf as she started pacing in my head. It felt like she was sensing something and didn't even bother to talk to me first.

'Sorry Leah I got distracted for a moment. Hi my name is Amethyst and I am your wolf.' She said as she got up and started pacing again. I rolled my eyes and figured I would talk to her later when she isn't so distracted. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl, then decided to go wake up Audrey. Which I'm surprised she's still sleeping usually she's the one waking me up.

I slowly opened Audrey's bedroom door and peaked in. I saw her small frame still curled up in the mess of blankets and pillows. I tiptoed towards her bed and got myself ready to pounce on her.

"Jump on me and I swear I will punch you right in the boob." Audrey growled from under the blankets.

"Now that isn't fair Aud. You always jump on me or barge in on me during my privet time why can't I do it to you." I mumbled as I plopped myself down on her king size bed next to her. Our beds are obviously big thanks to our mothers. They had them set up yesterday while we where at school, only cause they expected us to find our mates tonight and fully complete the mating process.

"But today is different Leah we need as much beauty rest as we can get." Audrey said as she sat up in her bed, trying to calm her wiled hair. I just rolled my eyes at her and took a bite of my apple. We both had agreed on a light snack so we wouldn't be to full for the big meal our mothers had planned for the party

"So what's first on our list?" I asked as she got up and started getting herself ready for our spa day before our party.

"Well first we're going to go find shoes, then get our nails done, find some nice jewelry, go get facials, and then we'll come back here and get ready for the party." Audrey said as she applied light makeup and ran a brush through her straight hair. I groaned out loud I should have known she was going to force me into a lot of girly things today and I knew there was no way I was going to get out of it this time.

Once Audrey was done getting ready we headed out to start our day. Our first stop was a nice little store the had really nice clothes, dresses, shoes and jewelry. Audrey grabbed my hand and pulled me straight to thee high heeled shoes. My eyes widened as I looked at the verity of heels and the fact that there was every color under the sun as well. To say I was a little overwhelmed would have been a major understatement of the year.

"What color is your dress?" Audrey said as she looked over the shoes with excitement in her eyes 

"It's lavander purple." I said as I watched her start grabbing shoes before I could fully get any words out. She knew my size and put four different styles of heels and colors in my hands. I peeked over the boxes and saw her grabbing more shoes but for herself. We both tried on each pair and picked what we thought where the best ones. We both left the store with two pairs of heels, a tiara, a necklace, and matching bracelets.

Audrey insisted on the tiara's because she thought we had to look over the top for our mates. Again that's if they are even there tonight. I didn't even say it out loud knowing I'd get and ass chewing from Audrey, but I could even feel my wolf rolling her eyes at me in annoyance. We stopped at the next place and got our nails done. We decided on acrylic nails with a French tip but in the colors to match our dresses.

After hours of shopping and getting pampered we headed back to the pack house with our arms loaded with our new stuff. Our mothers had an extra room set up for just us so we could get ready without our dad's being to over the top about our dresses again. We spent hours getting ready doing our hair and makeup. It was finally time to put on our dresses, shoes, and jewelry. We both went into separate walk in closets and put on our dresses. I slipped the lavender purple dress over my body and zipped the back.

I rolled my eyes as I viewed myself in the mirror. There was way more to the dress that I didn't notice until now. Not only did the dress show a lot of boob but it also had a long slit on the side the barely stopped an inch away from hip. But over all I felt and looked beautiful even if it was showing a bit more skin then what I'm comfortable with. I walked out and my eyes light up as I looked at Audrey.

"You look so amazing Aud." I said as I walked up to her and gave her a big hug. She wore a similar dress to mine the only difference was the color of the fabric it was forest green with light green jewels on the chest that created a swirling pattern. The neck line was low cut and she also had a very high slight on the side stopping just below the hip. She paired the dress with black sparkly high heels and her tiara that had and emerald green jewel in the middle.

Her hair was curled and pulled back and her makeup was done with a forest green smoky eye with pale  lip gloss. She smiled at me and placed my tiara on my head. I had my hair pulled to the side with a tight braid on the other. My make up was done in a dark purple smoky eye. I paired my dress with white sparkly high heels and my tiara was a lot like Audrey's but mine had a dark purple jewel in the middle.

"You look so beautiful." I heard my father say as I turned to face him. Audrey's dad also walked in behind my dad. I quickly walked up to him and he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Thank you dad." I said as I hugged him tightly. He pulled away from me so he could get a better look at me. "Now dad don't give mom such a hard time about the dress and the party. You knew this day was gonna come." I said as I gave dad my best stern look.

"I wasn't expecting it to come this soon sweet heart, but you're right it's time I let you go so you can become a powerful wolf." Dad said as he gave me a soft smile.

"Well are we ready to be seen yet?" Audrey said as she laced her arm around her dad's arm. I nodded my head and wrapped my hand around my dad's bicep. Here goes nothing I guess.

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